Can you believe it? #FEHeroes has reached its 6th Anniversary! To express our gratitude to all you summoners out there, we're holding a 6th Anniversary Celebration! See the official website for a detailed schedule of in-game events and more information. fire-emblem-heroes.com/en/topics/inde…
We're holding a 5★ Special Heroes summoning event to celebrate the 6th anniversary of #FEHeroes! You can only summon once, but you're guaranteed to summon a 5★ Special Hero! See the in-game notification for details.
ファイアーエムブレムヒーローズ6周年おめでとうございます✨🎊✨ お祝いに伝承シーダさんを描かせていただきました! #FEヒーローズ #FEH #FEHeroes fire-emblem-heroes.com
We received celebratory illustrations for the 6th Anniversary of #FEHeroes from several artists this year too! Check them out at the official website. fire-emblem-heroes.com/en/illustratio…
ファイアーエンブレム ヒーローズ6周年おめでとうございます!🎂🎉✨ #FEヒーローズ #FEH #FEHeroes fire-emblem-heroes.com
#ファイアーエムブレム ヒーローズ 6周年お祝い申し上げます💪☺️6⃣🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 Happy 6th Anniversary!!🎂🐦 #FEヒーローズ #FEHeroes fire-emblem-heroes.com/ja/
It's time to choose your favorite Heroes from the #FEHeroes game! Like in last year's A Hero Rises event, this year's winner will be decided by an in-game Voting Gauntlet...but they have to be voted in first! Participate in the online vote below! …2023.campaigns.fire-emblem-heroes.com/en_us
Results are in! These top voted Heroes in Choose Your Legends: Round 7 will appear in-game with special outfits this summer! #FEHeroes Men's Division 1st: Robin (Awakening) 2nd: Soren (Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn) Women's Division 1st: Gullveig (Heroes) 2nd: Corrin (Fates)
Feh Channel (February 1, 2023) was released on YouTube! Thanks to all your support, #FEHeroes has reached its 6th anniversary! Check out this Feh Channel for information on celebratory events, the results of Choose Your Legends: Round 7, and more. youtube.com/watch?v=YVLWXS…
Announcing the results for the Rising Hero Award for Choose Your Legends: Round 7! These Heroes' rankings have risen the most since last year. We will announce the top 10 male and female Heroes. Please look forward to the CYL results that will be announced tomorrow! #FEHeroes
The latest installment of A Day in the Life, the #FEHeroes online manga, is now available! ←Read comic right to left Click here to read the current and previous installments: fire-emblem-heroes.com/en/manga/
We're giving out an original wallpaper and original calendar wallpaper for February 2023! This time it features Alear: Dragon Child and Lumera: Dragon Monarch! #FEHeroes #FEHeroesWallpaper #FireEmblem
カムイ Corrin #FireEmblem #FEHeroes
Meet Fomortiis: Demon King from the #FireEmblem: The Sacred Stones game. The Demon King who once threatened all of Magvel before being defeated by five heroes and sealed in the Sacred Stones. #FEHeroes guide.fire-emblem-heroes.com/en-US/07009009…
Sport Ponytail Alear 2.0 🔥 リュール ・ #FireEmblemEngage #FEエンゲージ #FEHeroes
【お仕事】ファイアーエムブレムヒーローズにて『闇に君臨する魔王 フォデス』(聖魔の光石)を描きました。CV:中村悠一さん@nakamuraFF11です! 彼のデザインから十数年、再び描かせて頂けて大感謝✨ 宜しくお願い致します! I drew Fomortiis: Demon King. Have fun! #FEH #FEHeroes #FEヒーローズ
At 11 PM PT on Jan. 26, Fomortiis: Demon King from the Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones game and Gotoh: White Sage from the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem game will appear as Mythic Heroes in a Double Mythic Heroes summoning event! #FEHeroes
The next Resplendent Hero, Roy: Brave Lion, is scheduled to become available to Feh Pass subscribers beginning Feb. 9, 11 PM PT. Check the link below to see more of this upcoming Resplendent Hero! #FEHeroes fehpass.fire-emblem-heroes.com/en-US/00001001…
✨お知らせ✨ ファイアーエムブレム ヒーローズ 【英雄たちの日常】第267話を描かせていただきました。エリミーヌ様やサウルたちが登場します、よろしくお願いします! fire-emblem-heroes.com/ja/manga/ #FEヒーローズ #FEHeroes
The latest installment of A Day in the Life, the #FEHeroes online manga, is now available! ←Read comic right to left Click here to read the current and previous installments: fire-emblem-heroes.com/en/manga/
ハロウィンの魔女カムイさん🎃 FEエンゲージ杯のプレゼント召喚イベントにラインナップされているので、ぜひお仲間に加えてあげてくださいな~。 #FEHeroes #FEヒーローズ
神装カムイちゃん! Resplendent Corrin~size changed. #FireEmblem #FEHeroes #FEヒーローズ
You can choose and summon one of the 12 Heroes who won the Fire Emblem Heroes - A Hero Rises: Fire Emblem Engage Cup! You can only get one, so think carefully about who to choose to join your barracks! #FEHeroes