Ready to be a part of Evo history? Get more info at evo.gg and sign up for the event today via the link below! start.gg/tournament/evo…! #Evo2023
We are excited to announce our first-annual Evo Throwback Tournament featuring Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3! This fan-favorite game completes our 2023 lineup in style! #Evo2023
The #Evo2023 Announcement Show begins February 21, 2023, at 5 PM PST on twitch.tv/Evo! Hosted by Evo Champions @IFCYipeS and @RyanJosephHart, they'll reveal the event lineup, registration and hotel info, activities, and more! We can't wait to show you what's coming.
Evo 2023にて「グランブルーファンタジーヴァーサス -ライジング-」オープンβトーナメントを開催予定! ラスベガスで皆様にお会いできるのを楽しみにしております! We'll be holding an open beta tournament for Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising at Evo 2023! See you in Vegas! #Evo2023 #GBVSR
「GBVSR」PS5™/PS4® オープンβテスト関連のスケジュールのご案内となります。 事前抽選制の先行テストプレイのエントリーは7月6日よりスタート予定✨ さらに #Evo2023 オープンβトーナメントの情報も公開! こちらは本日よりエントリー可能となっております⚔ start.gg/EVOGBVSR #GBVSR #GBVS
#Evo2023 End of Early-Bird Registration 1) Street Fighter 6 2) Guilty Gear -Strive- 3) TEKKEN 7 4) Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 5) DRAGON BALL FighterZ 6) THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV 7) MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA 8) Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Sign-up at evo.gg 👊!
MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA is BACK at Evo 2023! No matter where they gather, there's nothing like seeing this community come together and compete. Don't miss our next announcement! Tune in to twitch.tv/evo! @MB_LUMINA #Evo2023
The Evo 2023 Announcement Show premieres TONIGHT at 5 PM PST! Viewers are encouraged to restream the show to their communities to share the excitement. We can't wait to get started. See you all soon at twitch.tv/evo! #Evo2023
Here's a surprise announcement! Our friends at @Cygames_EN are hosting a special pre-release tournament for Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising at Evo 2023! Keep your eyes on @gbvs_official for more info coming soon. #Evo2023
【Evo 2023】 SNKブースにて、この夏配信予定の『KOF XV』DLCキャラクター「ナジュド」の先行試遊を実施!ぜひご来場ください。 #SNK #KOFXV #KOF15 #Evo2023
【Evo 2023】 SNKブースにご来場いただいた方に、現在開発中の『餓狼伝説』シリーズ最新作のコンセプトアートポスターを日替わりでプレゼント!ぜひSNKブースにご来場ください。 #SNK #Evo2023
Here it is, the complete Evo 2023 lineup! Thank you to @IFCYipeS and @RyanJosephHart for hosting the Evo 2023 Announcement Show and to our viewers for joining us! Be sure to follow us on our social media channels to stay updated on all future announcements! #Evo2023
The King of Fighters XV is the next title in the Evo 2023 lineup! Making its second appearance at Evo, KOF XV returns to shatter all expectations. Head to twitch.tv/evo now for even more announcements! @SNKPofficial #Evo2023
Guilty Gear -Strive- returns for its second offline Evo event. The Evo 2023 lineup continues to be revealed on the Announcement Show! Find out what else is joining the event at twitch.tv/evo! @ArcSystemWorksU #Evo2023
Making its Evo debut, the first title in the Evo 2023 lineup is @StreetFighter 6! We can't wait to see players compete in this new title. Tune in at twitch.tv/evo and catch the next announcement! #Evo2023
【お知らせ】 #GGST が、世界最大規模のトーナメントイベント「#Evo2023 」のメイントーナメント種目に選出されました🔥 #ギルティギア twitter.com/EVO/status/162…
.@MortalKombat 11 Ultimate returns in the Evo 2023 lineup! MK11 players get another shot to see who's the best from around the world. It's not over yet! We've still got more in store for the Evo 2023 Announcement Show! Join us at twitch.tv/evo! #Evo2023
Evo returns to the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas on August 4-6, 2023. A crowd-favorite is also returning...free water! We are just getting started with the fun on the #Evo2023 Announcement Show. Tune in at twitch.tv/evo now!
The fourth game to join the Evo 2023 lineup is @TEKKEN 7! This will be the title's seventh appearance at Evo as it continues to build its unforgettable legacy. We've still got more announcements on the way at twitch.tv/evo! #Evo2023
#スト6 EVOへのエントリー7,000人オーバーありがとうございます🙏 そしてアルカプ3も沢山のエントリーに感動してます🥺 長丁場になると思いますが今から本当に楽しみです! スト6から始めた方も #Evo2023 熱くなる事間違いないので是非観てみてください👏 @EVO 🤝 twitter.com/evo/status/167…
Reminder! Early Bird pricing for Evo 2023 ends in just a few hours! You have until 11:59 PM PDT TONIGHT to save on your registration. Sign up at Evo.gg now! #Evo2023
Evo 2023 登録の早期申込締切まで、あと2日です。 2023年4月9日午後3:59(日本時間)までにチケットを買うと得です! 既に登録をお済ませの方は、お友達に知らせてあげて下さい! 今すぐ evo.gg で登録しよう!#Evo2023
【Evo 2023】 SNKブースにて、『餓狼 -MARK OF THE WOLVES-』と『SAMURAI SHODOWN』のサイドトーナメントを開催! 近日、エントリー受付開始!ぜひご参加ください。 #SNK #Evo2023