#Evo2022】 『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』では、各プラットフォームにて35%オフのセールを開催中です! プラットフォームごとにセールの期間や一部内容が異なります。 次回の大型アップデートに向けて、ぜひこの機会にお買い求めください! 商品情報→meltyblood.typelumina.com/shopguide/ #メルブラ #MBTL
Japan's own @Jing_K5 takes it over the USA's @Masoma_F in the @MB_LUMINA Winners Finals at #Evo2022. Up now is @KirigiriAlpaca vs @ScrawtV. Tune in at twitch.tv/evo.
Players from anywhere in the world can come together and celebrate the games and community they love at Evo. We are grateful for all of you who have experienced Evo 2022 so far! There are still plenty more memories to make at #Evo2022!
Race Into The Light Feat. @caseylwilliams, Masahiro Aoki, and Takahiro Obata launched the #Evo2022 @MB_LUMINA Top 8! The song was composed & produced by @MasonLieberman while collaborating on lyrics with @zaidtmusic. BELIEVE: The Music of EVO 2022 hits streaming and vinyl soon.
#Evo2022】 世界最大規模の対戦格闘ゲーム大会「Evo 2022」の『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』部門の頂点を決める戦いがいよいよ開幕! ファイナリストたちの戦いをみんなで応援しましょう! 配信はこちら→twitch.tv/evo #メルブラ #MBTL
間もなく始まります #Evo2022
#Evo2022 - @MortalKombat 11 Ultimate Final Results: 1 🇨🇱 @Scorpionprocs 2 🇺🇸 @RewindNV 3 🇨🇱 @FgcNicolas 4 🇬🇧 @AF0xyGrampa 5 🇺🇸 @SonicFox 5 🇺🇸 @ElhaanR 7 🇧🇷 @KillerXinok 7 🇺🇸 @KingGambler18 We've got @MB_LUMINA coming up next at twitch.tv/evo!
It was shits and giggled until I pulled this out #Evo2022 #REBHFun
#Evo2022 Day 2 starts NOW! We've got Top 8s all day! See who will become Evo champions in Mortal Kombat 11: Ultimate, Melty Blood: Type Lumina, Granblue Fantasy: Versus, and Dragon Ball FighterZ. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
おはようございます。 そろそろプール始まります #Evo2022
Tonight, the very first #GBVS champion will be crowned at #Evo2022. Who will make it out on top? ⚔️ We've also got a little something to show before the finals, so stay tuned! Pools: twitch.tv/evo4 Top 8 Finals: twitch.tv/evo Schedule: evo.gg/schedule
This has been the best surprise of #Evo2022! Amazing collaboration artwork welcoming @EVO back from SNK and Capcom! Amazing art by Shinkiro and Ogura!
#Evo2022 - @Skullgirls 2nd Encore Final Results: 1 🇺🇸 @SonicFox 2 🇺🇸 @dekillsage 3 🇯🇵 @penpen0860g 4🇺🇸 @cloudking211 5 🇺🇸 Wingzero 5 🇺🇸 Lazybakeoven 7 🇺🇸 Stuff 7 🇺🇸 Dudeguy M.D. Thank you to all our participants and viewers for an incredible Day 1 at Evo 2022!
We have a Grand Finals RESET at #Evo2022!
The @QanbaUSA Obsidian gets a sequel announced at #Evo2022! Check out the Qanba Obsidian 2! Designed for PS5/PS4 and PC, it comes complete with a new look and additional features!
Happy Birthday to @dekillsage! They move on to face their teammate @SonicFox in Winners Finals! We got Stuff and Wingzero coming up next! Tune into the action at twitch.tv/evo #Evo2022
How about that epic track opening up for the Skullgirls: 2nd Encore Top 8? All nine of the Top 8 tracks were made in collaboration between @zaidtmusic and an incredibly talented ensemble. "BELIEVE: The Music of EVO 2022" will hit vinyl and streaming services after #Evo2022.
#Evo2022】 ついにベスト8が決定! @uncle_akkey @Masoma_F @Jing_K5 @KirigiriAlpaca @unilunar_ @ul_mnaf @SafeAndOne @ScrawtV 明日8月7日6:00(JST)からの配信で、頂点に立つプレイヤーを見届けましょう! 明日の配信はこちら→twitch.tv/evo #メルブラ #MBTL
i liked jam's +r design better #GGST #Evo2022
Make some noise!! We got @Tasty_Steve and @jchensor as the latest in-game commentators announced for @StreetFighter 6! Tune in to the #Evo2022 Showcase for more exciting moments at twitch.tv/evo!
Continuing our spotlight on independent creators, here's a look at @PocketBravery, one of several indie games highlighted during the #Evo2022 Showcase. Keep up with the latest reveals and special events at twitch.tv/evo!
Big news for Samurai Shodown, as @SNKPofficial announces rollback is coming spring 2023! Keep watching twitch.tv/evo for more of the #Evo2022 Showcase!
Yo... Samsho is getting rollback?! great news from #Evo2022 (an old Nakoruru I did)