1975 TPLF’s leaders slogan was“ላዓየ ሊሃጎጸ ሊሓፉሽ ሊሃጎጸ ለይኾነይ” 2022 TPLF’s leaders slogan is still“ላዓየ ሊሃጎጸ ሊሓፉሽ ሊሃጎጸ ለይኾነይ” Listen carefully to what they say now ላዓየ! ላዓየ! ላዓየ! ላዓየ in futile attempt to end #Eritrea #Ethipia ☮️
African Union observers currently in Mekele to monitor the complete disarming of TIGRAY #Ethipia eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/DOC-20221… #UNSC エリトリア エチオピア