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As a new investigation revealed new victims of Jeffrey Epstein in the UK, many are left asking: Did Scotland yard cover up #Epstein's crimes in the UK to protect Prince Andrew? #Royals #RoyalFamily #EpsteinCoverup yac.news/blogs/protect/…
Bill Gates might be ending his relationship with Melinda Gates, but did you know about his relationship with child trafficker Jeffrey #Epstein? Yikes. #billgatesdivorce #billgate Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=W-zhl4…
Prince Andrew partied with #Epstein for almost 2 decades on the tax payer's dime, to the tune of over 500,000 pounds. Is this why Scotland yard refused to investigate Epstein's crimes in the UK? #RoyalFamily #EndImpunity yac.news/blogs/protect/…
One of Jeffrey #Epstein's most widely known accusers, Virginia Giuffre testified against Epstein collaborator Jean-Luc #Brunel in Paris, France. She calls on other witnesses or victims to come forward. #opdeatheaters yac.news/blogs/protect/…
The secret history of Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein that made Melinda Gates furious. #Epstein #billgatesdivorce Subscribe ⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=W-zhl4…
Did Met police cover up Jeffrey #Epstein and #Ghislaine Maxwell's crimes in the UK? The child traffickers "are connected to the top levels of society across multiple countries, including" Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Prince Andrew. yac.news/blogs/protect/…
#ジャニーズ だけじゃない これは世界的な問題です 他にもたくさんいますよ (有名人や政治家) どうして知らない子どもと ボートに乗る必要があるのかしら? #ペドフィリア #pedophilia #エプスタイン #Epstein で検索 twitter.com/69mahboh/statu…