#Nigeria: Human rights defender Eromosele Adene is currently in court, his crime? demanding an end to impunity. Authorities want to make an example out of him to intimidate others who support #EndSARS & want better governance. #EndImpunity #FreeEromzy #FreeEromosele #FreeEromz
#Turkey: Women who stand against impunity, #femicide, abuse, harassment, and rape are put on trial. In 2019, 440 women were murdered by men in Turkey, and women are standing trial for performing the Las Tesis dance in protest. #EndImpunity Report: ahvalnews.com/femicides/turk…
Human rights defenders in #Turkey issue rallying cry for international solidarity: Ankara Women’s Platform call for action ahead of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. #EndImpunity #StopKillingWomen Report: morningstaronline.co.uk/article/w/wome…
Discover #ForbiddenStories: The #CartelProject, a historic collaboration of 60 international journalists to pursue the work of murdered Mexican reporters. Website: forbiddenstories.org Follow: @FbdnStories #EndImpunity #SupportJournalism
#Mexico: Truth about the murder of journalist Regina Martínez. ▪️ Former Veracruz governors Fidel Herrera & Duarte organized crime exposed ▪️ Spy unit monitoring journalists ▪️ 16 journalists killed ▪️ Twitter Bots used to bury story #EndImpunity 📹: forbiddenstories.org/the-buried-tru…
#Nigeria: Another wave of #EndSARS protests after a policeman murdered a Keke driver in Rivers state, Porthacourt after he allegedly refused to give the police a 100 naira bribe (roughly $0.26 USD). (📹@AskPHPeople) #EndImpunity #EndPoliceBrutality
#Mexico: Foreign spyware sold to Mexican law enforcement given to cartels thanks to officials connected to organized crime. Mexican cartels used the technology to monitor and crackdown on journalists and human rights defenders. #EndImpunity Report: forbiddenstories.org/spying-on-mexi…
While no journalists were imprisoned in US🇺🇸, 110 were arrested/charged in 2020, while covering #BlackLivesMatter/ #EndImpunity protests. At least 300 were assaulted across 79 cities, the majority by police; 930+ other incidents pending verification. 📝cpj.org/2020/12/in-202…
Louisville anti-impunity / #BreonnaTaylor protest leaders Kris Smith and Travis Nagdy have been murdered within a 3 week period. #BlackLivesMatter #EndImpunity
Basic governance goals, if you aren't demanding this, you aren't demanding anything: 🪙 universal basic income ⚕️ universal healthcare 🍞 universal food services 🏡 universal houses for all 🚌 universal public transportation 📚 universal education ⚖️ #EndImpunity
Military police in #Brazil🇧🇷 assault and abuse young people for allegedly being too loud. (📹@PersonalEscrito) #AbolishThePolice #EndPoliceBrutality #EndImpunity Report: g1.globo.com/pe/caruaru-reg… twitter.com/PersonalEscrit…
U.S. 'Justice' Department announced it won't pursue charges against two police officers that killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice. Tamir Rice was playing in a park and within seconds of police arriving he was shot dead. #JusticeforTamirRice #EndImpunity Report: cnn.com/2020/12/29/us/…
U.S. anonymous shell corporations outlawed. US Congress enacted the Corporate Transparency Act, which requires all US corporations to disclose their real owners. Trump veto overridden by Senate. A blow to money laundering & organized crime. #EndImpunity nytimes.com/2021/01/01/us/…
Former Congolese warlord, Roger Lumbala, arrested. He forgot he was wanted for crimes against humanity; visited Paris over the holidays. Was arrested for crimes that include massacres, rape, torture, cannibalism, and looting in 1998-2002. #EndImpunity lemonde.fr/afrique/articl…
No charges for police officer Rusten Sheskey who shot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back in front of his children. Blake is now paralyzed from the waist down. #BlackLivesMatters #EndImpunity Report: nbcnews.com/news/us-news/n…
This is why we must #EndImpunity. “If these people can storm the Capitol building with no regard to punishment, you have to wonder how much they abuse their powers when they put on their uniforms,” the officer wrote. twitter.com/YourAnonCentra…
Unity and healing can only be achieved through justice. We understand that justice is a concept you are not very familiar with Jim, resign already. #EndImpunity twitter.com/Jim_Jordan/sta…
We had 4 years of MAGA stans telling us not to criticize the US government or Trump. Don't be a MAGA. Joe Biden is a public servant; will not be above criticism or expectation. Even on his 1st day. If that bothers you, you have learned nothing from the Trump era. #EndImpunity.
A woman in Thailand, Anchan Preelert, was sentenced to 43 years in prison for mildly criticizing the monarchy on Facebook and Youtube. Preelert is 65 years old and was initially facing an 87 year sentence unless she pled guilty. #EndImpunity Report: aljazeera.com/news/2021/1/19… twitter.com/YourAnonCentra…
The biggest protests in Russia in years, as protestors rally against Putin, organized crime, and Navalny's imprisonment for exposing corruption. At least 2,131 people have been arrested, hundreds more injured, and crowds bravely confronting violent regime forces. #EndImpunity
#Russia: Anti-Putin / anti-organized crime protest in Yakutsk where the temperature is currently at -51°c. #EndImpunity #23января (📹@b_nishanov)
"Russia will be free!" #23января #EndImpunity
#Russia: Anti-Putin/ anti-organized crime protestors in Arkhangelsk, temp -13°c, demand Putin's arrest for his crimes, chanting 'Putin to the court'. #23января #EndImpunity https://t.co/Nl6z4QSuKJ
#Russia: Protestors defend themselves from police aggression. A rare scene in Russian protests which shows discontent has reached unprecedented levels. #23января #EndImpunity (📹@lizafoht) twitter.com/lizafoht/statu…
#Russia: Protestors tore the helmet off a riot police officer after police flash banged them. They proceeded to play football in the street with the helmet. #23января #EndImpunity (📹@wwwproektmedia) twitter.com/wwwproektmedia…