届けて 切なさには 名前をつけようか "Snow halation" 🧡💙❄️ ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ New wig SHEESH🌤 #絵リーラ #pendorART #EliraPendora #コスプレ #cosplay
とってもかわいい…🌤 #EliraPendora #ELILLUST #絵リーラ
『Weekly Schedule & Hashtags』 June 26th - July 2nd general - #EliraPendora live tag - #PenCast art tag - #絵リーラ #pendorART nsfw tag - #elilust memes - #E1337RA thumbnail - #thumbscales voice - #ewiwapack mascot - #weewas artwork by @/LReimi this week I face my fears. 🐟
『Weekly Schedule & Hashtags』 October 16th - 22nd NEW✨ cosplay - #eligant general - #EliraPendora live tag - #PenCast art tag - #絵リーラ #pendorART nsfw tag - #elilust memes - #E1337RA thumbnail - #thumbscales voice - #ewiwapack mascot - #weewas artwork by @/MILKURIEM
tonights collab!!! WE WILL BE GOING TO PROM!! BUT FIRST! FUUCHAN, SCARLE, DOPPIO & I MUST WOO HEARTS TO GET A DATE WILL WE BE SUCESSFUL? #PenCast #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora 【MONSTER PROM】 stealing hearts and each others dates 【NIJISANJI EN | Eli... youtube.com/watch?v=tpiQZ-…
『Weekly Schedule & Hashtags』 December 4th - 10th general - #EliraPendora live tag - #PenCast art tag - #絵リーラ #pendorART nsfw tag - #elilust cosplay - #eligant memes - #E1337RA thumbnail - #thumbscales voice - #ewiwapack mascot - #weewas artwork by @/kamamesigogo123
本日!日本時間22時から~ 頑張ってお久しぶりに日本語で雑談します! うおおおおおお。。。どんな話しようかなー ドキドキでもワクワク 💙✨ #PenCast #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora 【雑談】 お久しぶり!!たくさん話そう!! 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】 youtu.be/gXMb9E5IRFs
『Weekly Schedule & Hashtags』 May 29th - June 4th general - #EliraPendora live tag - #PenCast art tag - #絵リーラ #pendorART nsfw tag - #elilust memes - #E1337RA thumbnails - #thumbscales voice - #ewiwapack mascot - #weewas artwork by @/BevSnailmail yeeeeeeeeeeeeehawwww
にじさんじENのファミマコラボのクリアファイル!個人のやつのメッセージと裏面!かわいい チョコ組とゼリー組でデザインけっこうちがいました…SonnaBanana!!🍌 #NIJISANJI_EN #SelenTatsuki #EliraPendora #MystaRias #AlbanKnox #SonnyBrisko #ReimuEndou #IkeEveland #VoxAkuma
『Weekly Schedule & Hashtags』 May 1st - May 11th general - #EliraPendora live tag - #PenCast art tag - #絵リーラ #pendorART nsfw tag - #elilust memes - #E1337RA thumbnails - #thumbscales voice - #ewiwapack mascot - #weewas artwork by @/sumarudo vacation time!!!! 😎
stream waiting room!!! THIS TIME FOR REAL WE WILL PARTY FOR 400K AND SING DCL 40 TIMES TOGETHER i hope!!!!!!!! LOL #PenCast #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora 【400K SPECIAL】 I sing Diamond City Lights 40 times (REAL) 【NIJISANJI EN ... youtu.be/1x9SoK4R3yo
tonights stream!!! 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 CHIGUSA-SENPAI AND I WILL PLAY MINECRAFT AND VISIT SERVERS TOGETHER IM NERVOUS #PenCast #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora 【MINECRAFT】 dreams do come true ♡ server tours! 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pe... youtu.be/74VToXX-lig
tonights stream~ 2 karaokes so close together? who is she IT'S RIN AND LEN'S BIRTHDAY!!!!! let's celebrate with some of my favourite songs #PenCast #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora 【KARAOKE】 Kagamine celebration time𝅘𝅥𝅮 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】 youtube.com/watch?v=vjs89y…
Ike reading out Elira and Luca's schedules. Elira's: Minecraft frogs with Luca Luca's: LOOKING FOR PEPESADGE COGGERS POGGERS FEELSGOODMAN DEADGE BEDGE NERDGE FEELSDANKMAN MONKAS--(full transcript on reply. it's too long haha) #Lucalive #SliceofIke #EliraPendora
『Weekly Schedule & Hashtags』 July 3rd - July 9th general - #EliraPendora live tag - #PenCast art tag - #絵リーラ #pendorART nsfw tag - #elilust memes - #E1337RA thumbnail - #thumbscales voice - #ewiwapack mascot - #weewas artwork by @/p9_nai MAHJONG TIME 🀄️🀄️🀄️
今夜JST21:00時からは~ お久しぶりに日本語で雑談頑張ってしまーす! 色々話すことがあると思うので よければ一緒に話しましょう💙✨ #PenCast #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora 【雑談】 日本語まだ話せるか不安www 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】 youtu.be/F-Zxdr6jtZw
Morning Voice from Taichou’s BthDay totsumachi!!🛐 #BriskoBday2022 #SonnyBrisko #lucakaneshiro #VoxAkuma #FulgurOvid #UkiVioleta #EliraPendora
stream waiting room!!! it's time to put our detective hats on AND FIND ROMANCE 👀 we're gonna start from chapter 1!!! #PenCast #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora 【TEARS OF THEMIS】 solving crimes while finding love 【NIJISANJI EN | Elir... youtu.be/DHRMGYovDSo
stream waiting room!! I felt like singing again so lets sing some more~💙 reused an older thumbnail but this is a NEW karaoke!! ITS JUST SO CUTE #PenCast #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora 【UNARCHIVED ENGLISH KARAOKE】 awesome 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira Pendora】 youtu.be/plifHc_cgaM
『Weekly Schedule & Hashtags』 June 5th - June 11th general - #EliraPendora live tag - #PenCast art tag - #絵リーラ #pendorART nsfw tag - #elilust memes - #E1337RA thumbnail - #thumbscales voice - #ewiwapack mascot - #weewas artwork by @/sajyo_2434 another fun week together💙
『Weekly Schedule & Hashtags』 January 22nd - 28th general - #EliraPendora live tag - #PenCast art tag - #絵リーラ #pendorART nsfw tag - #elilust cosplay - #eligant memes - #E1337RA thumbnail - #thumbscales voice - #ewiwapack mascot - #weewas artwork by @/Ninshiss
stream waiting room!!! it's felt like forever since the last time I sang so I'm just gonna be silly and sing whatever!!! hehe #PenCast #NIJISANJI_EN #EliraPendora 【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】 SING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 【NIJISANJI EN | Elira... youtu.be/3cmG3zQ5VKM