The egg has hatched!🐲 Our #InitialApeOffering 007 partner is the new play-to-earn @DragonaryGame by @CoinaryTV 🐉 🗓 Aug 2nd, 16:00 UTC ⏰ 12 Hrs in Length 2️⃣ #IAO Offerings#BNBBNB & $#GNANA🪙 3-month Vesting Schedule Full #DragonaryIAO details below⤵️ ape-swap.medium.com/iao-007-dragon…
This week we're teaming w/ upcoming IAO 007 partner @DragonaryGame🐉 In honor of our Secondary Offering, base it on Rule #9: 🍌 Every time you buy GNANA, eat a real banana 🍌 To Enter: #️⃣ #DragonaryIAO & #MonkeMondayz 🐲 Top 4 win $250 in #CYT tokens 🏆 Winners announced Sunday
Got questions about @DragonaryGame & our upcoming #IAO 007? Be sure to stop by our Reddit AMA 🙋 🗓 July 29th, 19:00 UTC 🐲 w/ CEO and Co-Founder Alejo 🐵 & Biz Dev Dir @JulianApeSwap In honor of the #DragonaryIAO, we're also giving out $500 in $CYT#CYTn our Reddit hits 5K!
Our #InitialApeOffering 007 partner is the new play-to earn @DragonaryGame by @CoinaryTV 🐲 🗓 Aug 7th, 16:00 UTC (New Date) ⏰12 Hrs in Length 2️⃣ #IAO Offerings #BNBNB & $G#GNANA? 3-month Vesting Schedule Full #DragonaryIAO details ➡️ bit.ly/3jh1Rze
#DragonaryIAO coming August 7th 16:00 UTC 🐲⏳
Who's excited for the upcoming play-to-earn @DragonaryGame🙋 🐲 5.5 hours left in our #DragonaryIAO 💰 $20M+ committed so far 🐵 Ape in : ApeSwap.Finance/IAO ➡️ Following the #InitialApeOffering 25%#CYT$CYT will be available to claim, 25% unlocked every month for 3 months!