210321 PANN NATE; an account of #Donghae #동해 OP said Donghae picked up her handphone not long ago. She was walking on the streets and someone talked to her so she turned back. He told her she dropped her phone while picking it up for her. (continued in next few tweet)
210325 #Donghae #동해 IG w/ #Eunhyuk #은혁 “NG cut 😱😱”
210325 2danho IG Story #Donghae #동해 (Yet another dongsaeng being smitten w Donghae’s good looks 😂)
210326 itsrossa910 IG Story #Donghae #동해
210326 seoulstory IG Stories #Donghae #동해
210327 keep_going_joon IG Story #Donghae #동해 “He’s a dongsaeng but he’s a really kind and cool guy!!! Thank you bro!!!”
210328 itsrossa910 IG #Donghae #동해
210329 saganim IG #Donghae #Shindong #동해 #신동 (Even the PD marvelled about Donghae w his hair let down 😌)
210330 saganim IG #Donghae #Shindong #동해 #신동 PD shared that he was touched by Lee Donghae! Donghae suggested to take a selfie after filming and then gave him their 10th anniversary album after that. PD said he was grateful 😊
210331 atheavisuals IG #Donghae #동해
210331 atheavisuals IG #Donghae #동해
210331 irgierputra IG #Donghae #동해
210401 seoulstory IG Stories #Donghae #동해
210401 seoulstory IG #Donghae #동해
210404 一直娱 Video Call Event #Donghae #동해 OP said she really likes DH w long hair so she asked why he cut it short and he said it’s comfortable! OP also asked when D&E album is coming out and he said around summer and that he is looking forward to it! cr. Milkee44
210404 一直娱 Video Call Event #Donghae #동해 Donghae singing Winter Love 💕 cr. share.api.weibo.cn/share/21369214…
210404 一直娱 Video Call Event #Donghae #동해 Asking Donghae for lottery numbers! OP said Donghae even verified w the translator at first and then laughed! 😂 cr. share.api.weibo.cn/share/21369315…
210404 一直娱 Video Call Event #Donghae #동해 OP asked Donghae to do an acrostic poem w Banana. Ba - Right now Na - Who is the one who will be doing the cutest aegyo in the world to me? Na - Me It was made such that Donghae will answer it as himself 나 (Na)! cr. KsyheDNE