由于转推中有很多国际粉丝也参与转推了,小掰试了几次,很难一次性刚好抽到4个中粉,所以会从8点开始进行多次抽取,确认好后再公布名单,希望大家理解 🥲 #DomyojiDayWithThyme #bbrightvc twitter.com/BFB_CNFC/statu…
“If you like it you should put a ring on it” #DomyojiDayWithThyme #bbrightvc twitter.com/BrightJapanFC/…
Can’t wait to meet Thyme 🌹 stay tuned for F4 Thailand🤍☀️the Thyme of our story just begins #DomyojiDayWithThyme #bbrightvc
Happy Birthday Thyme Happy Birthday 道明寺 道明寺呢個名 我無法擺脫言承旭🙃 你要的愛 不只是依賴 要像個大男孩 風吹又日曬 生活自由自在 #DomyojiDayWithThyme #bbrightvc
we’ll also ask BOF to help us choose one lucky Thai fan from their tweet and send the lucky fan this night light🤍☀️ #DomyojiDayWithThyme #bbrightvc twitter.com/Allbrightvc/st…
#DomyojiDayWithThyme】 タイ版花男の『F4 Thailand』にて道明寺司であるThymeを演じるBrightくん。 「こんな道明寺を見たい!」と期待することはありますか?日本からのエールをお願いします! What do you expect from Thyme, the Thai version of Domyoji, played by Bright? #bbrightvc
我們的問題是:「在約會的時候,你想要和Thyme去吃什麼?」 接著,讓我們看向 @BFB_CNFC 我們會抽出五位在下面留言的粉絲送出我們精心準備的小禮物❤️ #bbrightvc #DomyojiDayWithThyme
期待接下來即將看到的Thyme🤍 #DomyojiDayWithThyme
你认为Thyme会想收到怎样的生日礼物呢?转推带上#DomyojiDayWithThyme 告诉我们🥳小掰会随机抽选4位中粉送出下图中的可爱小亮夜灯🤍☀️ #DomyojiDayWithThyme
Our question: What gift would you like to give Thyme on his birthday? Next, turn the page to @BrightJapanFC #bbrightvc #DomyojiDayWithThyme
Our question: “What will you want to eat with him on a date?” Next, turn the page to @BFB_CNFC #bbrightvc #DomyojiDayWithThyme