BLACKPINK Jisoo's special film shining with Dior released! #JISOO meets Dior. 📎youtu.be/At4-qXtkSeA #DiorSS22 #블랙핑크 #지수 #블랙핑크지수
Harper's Bazaar Japan May 2022 issue with #JISOO on cover has also SOLD OUT at Yes24. Release date: March 19, 2022 ✔ You guys can still buy it at ELLE Shop: elleshop.jp/web/commodity/… #블랙핑크 #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #DiorSS22
Harper's Bazaar Japan May 2022 issue with #JISOO on cover has now SOLD OUT at Amazon. Release date: March 19, 2022 ✔ You guys can still buy it at ELLE Shop: elleshop.jp/web/commodity/… #블랙핑크 #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #DiorSS22
BLACKPINK・ジス着用で注目、「DIOR」ニットジャケット|マリア・グラツィア・キウリがデザイン @Dior #ディオール #DiorSS22 qetic.jp/life-fashion/d…
Jisoo was mentioned in a Vogue Mexico article about Hime haircut, a haircut that will dominate in 2022. "Singer Kim #JISOO teaches how to wear a hime cut without bangs at #DiorSS22 show." vogue.mx/belleza/articu… #블랙핑크 #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 #Dior
Blackpink Jisoo, behind the scene of Dior fashion show ... like a World Star. 📎slist.kr/news/articleVi… 🔹️#JISOO at PFW is still a HOT TOPIC. On the 23rd, a famous French director & writer, Loic Prigent, posted a video on his YouTube acc. #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 #DiorSS22
Dior YouTube Community updated with video of #JISOO at PFW by Loic Prigent 📎youtube.com/channel/UC6xD-… 📎youtu.be/iJxtS2zFidA "... our Global Ambassador for fashion and beauty to be THE INDISPUTABLE STAR of Paris Fashion Week!" #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 #DiorSS22 @BLACKPINK
"Global Ambassador #JISOO, who attended #DiorSS22 Collection for the 1st time, received great attention and praise from world-class guests & press for expressing her unique presence and beauty with @Dior Beauty's makeup products." - @marieclairekr 📎marieclairekorea.com/beauty/2021/10… #지수
Mathilde Favier, @Dior Public Relations Manager updated with #JISOO on Instastory which is listed as one of "The New Korean Hallyu Wave" by @ELLEfrance. She is the ONLY artist on the list. 📎 instagram.com/stories/mathil… cc: JisooLibrary #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #DiorSS22 @Dior @BLACKPINK
Jisoo at #DiorSS22 PFW is listed as one of "The K-content craze that shakes the world" by MBN News. 📎 naver.me/GC2WhFaU (+) Cheers burst when Blackpink's #JISOO appears on a famous French fashion show. #지수 #블랙핑크지수 @Dior @BLAC#지수NK
Vogue Business updated with #JISOO on Instagram. "Blackpink's Jisoo drove $4,64 milliom in earned media value for @Dior" 📎instagram.com/p/CU4g_Ovgrd1/… They also retweeted and liked my previous tweet about the article🧐 #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 #DiorSS22 #Dior @BLACKPINK twitter.com/jichu_charts/s…
Jisoo attended the #DiorSS22 show, driving the HIGHEST earned media value of any influencer 📎voguebusiness.com/fashion/fashio… 🔹️ #JISOO alone represents 64% of @Dior $7M in earned media value -evidence that K-pop stars continue to be among the MOST POWERFUL ambassadors #지수 #김지수
Jisoo has her own biography page on the @GALAfr website. She is the ONLY active idol who has it. 📎gala.fr/stars_et_gotha… 🔹️Sept 28th 2021, during the presentation of #DiorSS22, Jisoo makes a very noticed appearance during @Dior photocall. #JISOO #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수
Jisoo named as one of the BIGGEST STARS attending to PFW by @ChannelNewsAsia 📎cnaluxury.channelnewsasia.com/obsessions/wom… (+) Today’s biggest stars were back in Paris and among them was Blackpink's #JISOO, who attended the #DiorSS22 show in a full Dior look. #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 @BLACKPINK
Jisoo was featured in ‘The SUN daily’, Malaysia newspaper today under entertainment column about her appearance at #DiorSS22 PFW. "Jisoo shines for Dior" 📎thesundaily.my/style-life/jis… cc: WorldwideJISOO #Dior #JISOO #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 @BLACKPINK
マリア・グラツィア・キウリによる #DiorSS22 on.dior.com/ss2022 ショーのため、パリを訪れた @alexa_chung@lizakoshy@AIMEESONG などのセレブリティ達 #StarsinDior が、遊び心満載のカラフルな最新コレクションへの想いを語ってくれました。
Jisoo's outfit listed as one of the next-level good celebrity outfits at Paris Fashion Week by @thezoereport. 📎thezoereport.com/culture/celebr… (+) She is the ONLY Asian on the list. #Dior #DiorSS22 #JISOO #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 @BLACKPINK
マリア・グラツィア・キウリによる #DiorSS22 on.dior.com/ss2022 ショーのため、パリを訪れた、メゾンのファッション&ビューティーにおけるグローバルアンバサダーのJISOO。アトリエ、アーカイブへの探訪など、彼女の魔法のような体験のすべてを on.dior.com/ss2022-yt にて、ご覧ください。
Jisoo's article is currently trending #3 Most viewed (non-ent) on NAVER with +9k views. "Dior chairman, did you pick #Blackpink Jisoo? ... @Dior's instagram covered with #JISOO" 📎naver.me/IMQbTzty #Dior #DiorSS22 #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 @BLACKPINK
パリを訪れた、メゾンのファッション&ビューティー グローバルアンバサダー、JISOO。#DiorSS22 on.dior.com/ss2022 ショーに先駆け訪問したアトリエでは、コレクションの制作風景を体験。フル視聴は on.dior.com/ss2022-yt にて、お楽しみください。 © Elise Toïdé
just like jisoo who's happy bcs of @Dior, as fans we're also happy to see our shining star happy! thankyou for welcoming &treating her so well in Paris. We enjoyed the #DiorSS22 show &all the content it provided. Looking forward to the next project🤍 JISOO LOVES PARIS #MerciDior
#DiorSS22 on.dior.com/ss2022 のためパリを訪れた、メゾンのファッション&ビューティー グローバルアンバサダー、JISOO。ダイアナ妃が実際に愛用していた #LadyDior アーカイブへの探訪など、彼女の魔法のような体験のすべてを on.dior.com/ss2022-yt にて、ご覧ください。 © Elise Toïdé
【話題スナップ】BLACKPINKのJISOOらがパリ現地で鑑賞 「ディオール」2022年春夏ショー来場者スナップ #DiorSS22 #JISOO_DiorParisFW #JISOO #BLACKPINK #지수 wwdjapan.com/articles/12672…
On the preview video of #Jisoo going to visit the Dior Heritage Archives (old HC), a text 'Jisoo 🤍 Paris' appears Dior PR Director met Jisoo in #DiorSS22 #PFW and wore a jacket 'J ❤️ Paris' from #DiorFall21. FYI, Dior said that Jisoo inspired Maria Grazia to do this collection.
When Blackpink #JISOO attended the 'Dior' fashion show in Paris, the words of Pietro Beccari, the chairman and CEO of @Dior, "If YG fires her. Message me. I'll take her" became a HOT TOPIC among netizens. 📎naver.me/5uxDzq39 #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 #DiorSS22