Goddess bless the Blaiddyds💘. Featuring uncle RUFUS *insertaothername* Blaiddyd Fell in love with @dewborb 's design and HC of him. And had to draw him so I asked permission to do so. Papa Lambert and lil' Dima are here too💖. #FE3h #DimitriAlexandreBlaiddyd #FE風花雪月
You can know his age by the length of his cape C: (I bet Dimitri warriors is 19-20 ヾ(Ő∀Ő๑)ノ (???)) Also, professor pointing out his fur accessory is his lion rank 🦁. An adorable lion indeed (^ω^ʃƪ) #FireEmblemThreeHouses #FE3H #DimitriAlexandreBlaiddyd
>__> I guess this happened🤷‍♀️ Me trying to practice my brush work and then just... do things. Started as Dimitri got the weeds then turned 😀 (n then some glass bc why not) Nonsense practice lol #DimitriAlexandreBlaiddyd #FE3H Snap it, boy!💙
法嘉斯的利剑一定比风雪还要凛冽,才能守下幼小的王一个温暖的梦。 #FE無双風花雪月 #ディミフェリ #フェリディミ #Dimilix #FE3H #FEW3H #felixhugofraldarius #DimitriAlexandreBlaiddyd #ディミトリ
HBD Dimitri🎉 誕生日おめでとうディミトリ ファーガスを背負う力強い獅子王 #ディミトリアレクサンドルブレーダッド生誕祭2022 #ディミトリ生誕祭2022 #DimitriBDAY2022 #DimitriAlexandreBlaiddyd