往年の名車ランチア・デルタ・インテグラーレが電動化で復活。フランスのGCKモータースポーツが2022年世界ラリークロス選手権のRX1eに投入へ as-web.jp/rally/763396 #WorldRX #WorldEXjp #Lancia #Delta #WRCjp
BREAKING🎄 The 6th preprint from G2P-Japan - #Omicron is less infectious and pathogenic than #Delta and even an early pandemic SARS-CoV-2 in infected hamster model. 1/5
⏩ Viral genome sequences of BA.1 and BA.2 is ~2-fold more different from those of an original Wuhan-Hu-1 and #Delta and #Alpha. We showed the virological features of BA.2 is clearly different from that of BA.1. Should BA.2 be given a letter of the Greek alphabet? 5/5+1