From last year’s anti-extradition movement to recent national security law legislation, the deterioration of democracy in #HongKong concerns me & many in #Taiwan. At #CDS2020, I reaffirmed our resolve to stand in solidarity with #HKers who cherish freedom & #DefendDemocracy.
Freedom is not free. It is something we have to work for and defend every day. In #Taiwan we never take our hard-earned freedom for granted, & as we build, renew, & sustain democracy at home, we are supporting democracy in our region & around the world. #CDS2020 #DefendDemocracy
#Taiwan’s partnership with the #US is as strong as it has ever been, & we are proud to stand together to #DefendDemocracy around the world. We are determined for Taiwan to continue to shine as a beacon of democracy & human rights in Asia, lighting the way for a brighter future.
今、台湾の蔡英文総統が、#DefendDemocracy のタグ付きで、「台湾は民主主義を守り抜くパートナーとして米国と共にあることを誇りに思う」という意味深なツイート。香港情勢のみならず、蔡氏と昵懇のテッド・クルーズ上院議員の地元テキサス州が米大統領選の不正糾弾に乗り出したこととも関連ありか。 twitter.com/iingwen/status…
It’s both an honour & a privilege to address the #CDS2020. This event testifies to our commitment to #DefendDemocracy, and our determination to band together in mutual support, safeguard the values we hold dear, & deepen our ties with democracies around the world. twitter.com/AoDemocracies/…
I'm privileged to host the dinner welcoming @SenatCZ President @Vystrcil_Milos & the #CzechRepublic🇨🇿 delegation to #Taiwan🇹🇼. We're ready for the full schedule beginning tomorrow! JW #TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
It was Minister Wu's honor to welcome @SenatCZ President @Vystrcil_Milos & the #CzechRepublic🇨🇿 delegation to #Taiwan🇹🇼. We wish the 90-strong group of freedom- & democracy-loving friends from the #EU all the best for the historic 6-day visit. #TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
#Taiwan🇹🇼 & #Europe are partners in the struggle to #DefendDemocracy.
Pleased to share strategies on disarming disinformation with @rglucks1 & the @Europarl_EN🇪🇺 #INGE delegation.
Also pleased to accept the invitation for more talks ASAP in Brussels —We’re #StrongerTogether! 🫂
Aug. 27, 2022, is a momentous day for #Taiwan🇹🇼. Our much-heralded Ministry of Digital Affairs – 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗮 – is all systems go! Watch Minister @audreyt's inauguration message & follow @TAIWANmoda. Together, we can strengthen digital resilience, #DefendDemocracy & #FreeTheFuture🖖.
Glad to see my old friend @ZdenekHrib in #Taipei again. To the people of #Taiwan, you're a #Pirate & swashbuckling hero. JW #TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
It was an honour to speak at the @NDI gala & recognise those who paved the way for human rights & democratic progress in #Taiwan & the #US. We look forward to your Taipei office opening, & will stand with you to #DefendDemocracy throughout the Asia-Pacific region & the world. twitter.com/NDI/status/133…
A warm #Taiwan🇹🇼 welcome to @Europarl_EN's🇪🇺 #INGE delegation. We wish the 7 MEPs a rewarding visit aimed at getting up to speed on efforts to disarm disinformation, #DefendDemocracy & boost cyber resilience while promoting an environment for freedom of expression & information.
#Disinformation & #Misinformation are the bread & butter of authoritarian actors.🍞🧈
They are used to threaten our free & open societies.🆓
Watch my video & discover the dangers of #DeepFake.⚠️
Knowledge, vigilance & unity help us #DefendDemocracy.🎊
Happy #LunarNewYear !🖖
Courage in the face of adversity is #Taiwan's🇹🇼calling card. It's also what entitles @Vystrcil_Milos to call himself Taiwanese & wear the parliamentary diplomacy medal awarded by LY President You. We salute the #CzechRepublic🇨🇿Senate president! #TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
Freedom, democracy, equality & respect were high on the menu at the banquet hosted by Minister Wu for @SenatCZ President @Vystrcil_Milos. Our thanks to the #CzechRepublic🇨🇿 delegation for visiting #Taiwan🇹🇼 & putting friendship before politics. #TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
The historic #Taiwan🇹🇼 visit by @Vystrcil_Milos & the #CzechRepublic🇨🇿 delegation is at an end. We thank all members & wish them a safe trip home. In the words of Minister Wu: "True friends never say goodbye, they just say see you next time." #TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
💪 I’m a proud signatory of @Int_IDEA’s call to #DefendDemocracy.
✍️ I invite those who care, those who wish to make a difference to sign the letter & join the cause.
🗽 We mustn’t let democracy become just another casualty of #Coronavirus. twitter.com/Int_IDEA/statu…
Thank you, @AndersFoghR, for the excellent plug. 📣
I’m excited to be talking over the big issues with @jonasPplesner during these most unprecedented of times.💡
I echo your call in inviting all & sundry to experience the #DefendDemocracy series. 🗽
It’ll be great! 🌟 twitter.com/AndersFoghR/st…
We're enormously proud of @iingwen for winning the John McCain Prize for Leadership in Public Service. Recognition of her efforts to #DefendDemocracy & human rights, combat #COVID19 & safeguard the country's sovereignty is a celebration of #Taiwan🇹🇼 & its freedom-loving people. twitter.com/HFXforum/statu…
Free countries worldwide are rallying to #DefendDemocracy. #Taiwan🇹🇼, #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵, #UK🇬🇧 & #Slovakia🇸🇰 advanced the cause by staging a #GCTF🌐 workshop on building media literacy & societal resilience to the authoritarian scourge of misinformation.
Minister Wu was moved by @Vystrcil_Milos' speech at his alma mater #NCCU. It spoke to the strength of #Taiwan🇹🇼-#CzechRepublic🇨🇿 friendship, & the spirit of freedom & democracy promoted by late Presidents Lee & Havel.➡️bit.ly/31IjfVW
#TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
I'm touched by your earlier words, @ZdenekHrib. A #Pirate hero from the #CzechRepublic🇨🇿 is very welcome to become a citizen of #Taipei. We're thrilled, & would love to see you more often in #Taiwan.🇹🇼 JW
#TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
Minister Wu & @Vystrcil_Milos unveiled a multipronged strategy for the future of #Taiwan🇹🇼-#CzechRepublic🇨🇿 ties. The countries will cultivate a comprehensive partnership founded on shared values & a deep-seated belief in freedom & democracy.
#TaiwanCzechia2020 #DefendDemocracy
Minister Wu joined other thought leaders at the #IPACRome #G20 conference in urging the free world to #StandTogether in committing to #DefendDemocracy. He also thanked #Taiwan's🇹🇼 fellow forces for good for choosing to #StandWithTaiwan. Bravo @ipacglobal for the excellent event!
Is it enough to just #DefendDemocracy?🤔
We must combat the #Infodemic & #Pandemic by promoting participatory democracy & People-Public-Private Partnerships.🫂
It truly takes #AllHandsOnDeck.🙌
Read «#Taiwan: Grassroots Digital Democracy that Works» by @RadxChange.🇹🇼 twitter.com/RadxChange/sta…