Let's learn more about the mysterious students of #DecelisAcademy! The most prestigious school in Riverfield. 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇
Let's learn more about the mysterious students of #SunshineCitySchool! Many of the students enjoy playing aquatic sports. 🌙DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇
[Review] もう一度見る「黒の月: 月の祭壇」 #1. ヴァンパイアと呼ばれる少女 みんなに後ろ指をさされる女の子、そして 彼女の唯一の友だちクリスの物語 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇 #黒の月_一気読み
[Review] 다시 보는 '다크 문: 달의 제단' #1. 뱀파이어라고 불리는 소녀 모두가 손가락질하는 아이, 그리고 그녀의 하나뿐인 친구 크리스의 이야기 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #다크문_몰아보기
[Review] 'DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR' #1. The Girl Who Was Called a Vampire The story of the girl everyone condemned and her only friend Chris 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #bingeread_DARKMOON
[Review] もう一度見る「黒の月: 月の祭壇」 #2.ヘリ、そして新しい友だち デセリスアカデミーに転校してきたスハ! スハは新しい学校で、どんな友だちと出会うことになるのか? 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #黒の月_月の祭壇 #黒の月_一気読み
[Review] 다시 보는 '다크 문: 달의 제단' #2. 헬리, 그리고 새로운 친구들 드셀리스 아카데미에 전학을 온 수하! 수하는 새로운 학교에서 어떤 친구들을 만나게 될까? 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #다크문_몰아보기
[Review] 'DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR' #2. Heli and New Friends Sooha is a new transfer student at Decelis Academy! What kind of new friends will she make at school? 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR
[Review] もう一度見る「黒の月: 月の祭壇」 #3.ヴァンパイア vs. 人狼 デセリスアカデミーに侵入した謎の生徒たち… そして、満月の下で明かされるソロンの秘密! 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇 #黒の月_一気読み
[Review] 다시 보는 '다크 문: 달의 제단' #3. 뱀파이어 vs. 늑대인간 드셀리스 아카데미에 침입한 의문의 학생들… 그리고 보름달 아래 드러나는 솔론의 비밀! 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #다크문_몰아보기
[Review] 'DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR' #3. Vampires vs. Werewolves Mysterious students who intruded into #Decelis Academy... And Solon's secret revealed under the full moon! 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR
[Review] もう一度見る「黒の月: 月の祭壇」 #4.ヴァンパイアの襲撃、そして再会 突然のヴァンパイアの攻撃の中、 スハは思いもよらなかった人物と遭遇する…! 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇 #黒の月_一気読み
[Review] 다시 보는 '다크 문: 달의 제단' #4. 뱀파이어의 습격, 그리고 재회 갑작스러운 뱀파이어들의 공격 속에 수하는 뜻밖의 인물과 마주치는데…! 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #다크문_몰아보기
[Review] 'DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR' #4. Attack of the Vampires and a Reunion Sooha meets someone unexpected during the vampires' ambush! 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #bingeread_DARKMOON
What's your favorite epic scene from DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR? 🗳 Leave the number of the most memorable scene and why in the comment! 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月_月の祭壇
EP8. “Who am I?” No.1 most voted epic scene from DARK MOON🥇 Leave a comforting message to Solon, who is feeling lost😭 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇
📚Decelis Summer Class Final Exam📚 黒の月:月の祭壇の読者ならこれぐらい楽勝! 答えはそれぞれコメントでご提出ください✔ 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇
📚Decelis Summer Class Final Exam📚 다크 문: 달의 제단 독자라면 이 정도쯤이야! 정답은 각자 댓글로 제출해주세요✔ 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단
📚Decelis Summer Class Final Exam📚 A piece of cake for true fans of DARK MOON: THE BLOOD ALTAR! Submit your answers in the comments! ✔ 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR
Share Final Exam Answer Sheet *Heart pounds* What's your score? Tell us in the comments! 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇
D-10 until the new semester starts! Tips for surviving in school by 7 Decelis students for those who are nervous about their first day✍ 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月
#Heli's Tip Don't forget to apply for your library card in advance! It takes a week for it to be issued. 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇
#Jino's Tip So there's a friend you want to be roommates with? Just head on over to the dorm supervisor with them. 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇
#Shion's Tip They say if you make a wish at the Decelis Square fountain, it'll come true! 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇
#Solon's Tip Don't go outside on a full moon. It's too dangerous. Filthy creatures roam about. 🌙 DARK MOON will rise on Sunday, August 28 #Decelis #Decelis_summerclass #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEBLOODALTAR #다크문 #다크문_달의제단 #黒の月 #黒の月_月の祭壇