I’ll be watching the Presidential #debate tonight. If you want to watch with me, text me & we can trash-talk about it over text together: (323) 405-9939 #Debates2020 #DebateTuesday
It’s time. Let’s talk Election Integrity. #CashForBallots #BallotHarvesting #Debates2020
アメリカ大統領選のテレビ討論会。 黙っていられないトランプ大統領が暴走して、司会者やトランプ大統領の同時通訳が大混乱。 #Debates2020
#Debates2020 トランプ大統領「あなた(バイデン)の言う通りにしていたら何百万人も死者が出ていた。私は入国を止めたが、あなたはそれを排外主義だと批判。しかし色んな人がトランプのおかげで命が救われたと讃えた。マスコミはフェイクニュースであなたを良いように扱い、私については酷い事ばかり」
This photo was taken moments after Trump refused to condemn white supremacy. Please vote! bit.ly/Reg2VoteMC #Debates2020 #debate #PresidentialDebate
President @realDonaldTrump and @JoeBiden discussed election integrity tonight yet failed to mention the biggest systemic voter fraud smoking gun in American history #CashForBallots #Debates2020
A clip of what it sounded like when Japan's national broadcaster was faced with the impossible task of providing simultaneous interpretation for today's American presidential debate. #Debates2020 twitter.com/mi2_yes/status…
Tonight’s the final presidential debate! The anticipation is killing me. Will the mute button be put to good use? Will Trump still be a walking biohazard?  Will the fly make a cameo? Tune in tonight @ 6 PM PT — & text me “FinalDebate”to watch with me: (323) 405-9939 #Debates2020 twitter.com/CNN/status/131…
Those who hide in bunkers shouldn’t criticize basements. #Debates2020
Trump loses #Covid19 segment of the debate. Continues to claim children and young people are "safe" from the virus and that only 'Democrats' are dying; proceeds to blame Dr. Fauci of incompetence. Candidate Biden provides a comprehensive plan. #Debates2020
Trump claims he doesn’t take Wall Street money, or Russian money or China's money. There's about 1040 ways to prove that... #Debates2020
アメリカ大統領選・テレビ討論会。 バイデン前副大統領「中小企業6社に1社が破綻している。最低賃金を引き上げることで中小企業が破綻することはない」 トランプ大統領「中小企業は支援しなければならないが、最低賃金を上げても中小企業の助けにならない」 #Debates2020
Trump factually states cages, where immigrant children are held, were used under Obama. AG Sally Yates was actively working towards shutting down private prisons used as concentration camps at the time Trump abruptly fired her. Trump increased the camps and caging. #Debates2020
Opinion: Anyone that cares about ICE camps and the use of private prisons should ask Biden if he is willing to reestablish AG Sally Yates. #Debates2020
Trump continues ranting about Obama, declares at Biden 'I ran because of you'. Trump brings up Hunter Biden conspiracy theory calls Biden corrupt. Biden states US intelligence calls the Trump peddled Hunter Biden conspiracy theory a foreign pro-Trump operation. #Debates2020
Trump declares himself the 'least' racist person in the room, confirming he is racist. Biden factually states Trump is the most racist president in the modern US, provides examples. Trump bashes #BlackLivesMatter then claims he's good for the black community. #Debates2020
Trump calls Russia, China, and India filthy and claims he values 'jobs' over the international Paris Accord agreements to justify pulling out. Falsely claims the US has the 'cleanest' air and water in the world. In reality, he's deregulated environmental safeguards. #Debates2020
Someone tell Trump that carbon emission numbers are just like golf: the lower the number, the better the score. #Debates2020
Trump randomly attacks @AOC, calls fairly competent climate change legislation stupid. The plan has been endorsed by every major environmental group. Trump claims windmills are expensive & kills birds. Calls factories big and beautiful. Tries to derail with fracking. #Debates2020
A "well cared for" child who has been ripped from their parents and orphaned due to cruel policies is not “well-cared for." Period. #Debates2020
Biden states he would stop giving federal subsidies to big oil. Trump derails by claiming Biden plans to destroy the oil industry, brings up China in an attempt to smear Biden. Biden states he will rejoin the Paris Accord. #Debates2020
I don’t care what anybody says: Trump is doing a GREAT @AlecBaldwin impression tonight. #Debates2020
#Debates2020 summary: Biden: "come on" Trump: "China" Biden: "come on" Trump: "China" Biden: "come on" Trump: "I'm the least racist person in the room." Biden: "come on" Trump: "China" Biden: "come on"