hellolive x KIMWOOSEOK 타임라인 잘 따라오고 있나요? Nia, 이번 #Dawn 활동도 가보자고요 💜 #김우석 #KIMWOOSEOK #Blank_Page #김우석과떠나는시간여행_DAWN #Dawn_withKIMWOOSEOK
HyunA & Dawn have left @OfficialPnation. The agency announced today that the two have recently ended their 3 years of exclusive contracts with it. "Everyone at #PNATION will cherish our memories with #HyunA, #Dawn for long and we'll continue to support their activities to come."
230414 뮤직뱅크 출퇴근 #KIMWOOSEOK #김우석 #Blank_Page #Dawn