Just some silliness with Rikuo and Lilith I drew out of nostalgia for the charas from #Darkstalkers When a new game in the series?? T__Tºo.
完成絵。モリガン #Darkstalkers ほかのはまだ全然塗ってないので順番に手をつけていきます。次はレイレイかな。
Today is apparently #WorldBeeDay ! Bee'n meaning to post this Q Bee pic for a while, and now seems like an appropriate time. #Darkstalkers Either way, we should take the time to appreciate how awesome and crucial bees are to us, our food, and the environment #NationalBeeDay
25年経った今でも自分と同じ作品を愛している人がたくさんいて、そんな人たちのイラスを見れるのがとても嬉しい。 ""DARKSTALKERS ARE NOT DEAD!!!"" #ヴァンパイア25周年 #Darkstalkers
In celebration of Halloween and the 25th year anniversary of the Darkstalkers series, here's the next Patreon poll. Feel free to stop by and vote on who you would like to see! patreon.com/o_8 #Darkstalkers
ハロウィン紗夢レイレイ Halloween Hsien-Ko Jam 🤔 Happy Halloween! #halloween2019 #ハロウィン #紗夢 #レイレイ #GuiltyGear #Darkstalkers
Here are some sketches/thumbnails I did for the Morrigan vs. B.B. Hood illustration that I'm working on. To see the full set, check out the Patreon and let me know which you'd like to see as the final illustration! patreon.com/o_8 #morrigan #bbhood #Darkstalkers
Here's a quick Morrigan drawing, was trying out these Le Plume markers from @marvyuchida They are pretty neat ! #Darkstalkers #cutiesaturday @cutiesaturday
I finished the Morrigan vs. B.B.Hood character poll illustration, check out the full image on the Patreon! patreon.com/o_8 #Darkstalkers #MorriganAensland #BBHood #Bulletta