🔥Congratulations to @SpaceCryptoGame and @TheDaoMaker, @PolkaFoundry, @GameFi_Official for successfully establishing a strategic partnership. 🤝With the support of this new partner#SPGPG will thrive. #SpaceCrypto #SPG #Metaverse #PlayToEarn #NFTs #DaoMaker #DeFi #IDO #Whitelist twitter.com/SpaceCryptoGam…
♥️♥️♥️@SpaceCryptoGame@TheDaoMaker 💥成为战略合作伙伴。 他们目前已宣布结成长期联盟,以在多方面相互支持😍 #SpaceCrypto #DaoMaker #DeFi #Metaverse #Partnership twitter.com/barmy_official…
#DaoMaker 投票イベント記念 #SuperAthletesClub 超豪華プレゼント企画 ▼賞品 NFT → 2名 総額3000 USDT (約42万円) → 30名 総額2万5000 #SAT → 561名 ▼応募方法 ①RT&♡ ②フォロー @nr_3588 @sacnft_official ③参加 ・t.me/SuperAthletesC…discord.gg/SuperAthletesC… ④下に続く -
🌟A perfect combination of @SpaceCryptoGame and @TheDaoMaker. 🎉Perhaps all of us feel excited about this cooperation. More than just building an alliance, this cooperation will bring a lot of positive signals to the community. #SpaceCrypto #DaoMaker #DeFi #Metaverse twitter.com/barmy_official…