#DailyVA11HallA Day 12. The sixth day is when Dana visits Jill at her apartment and you know what that means! THERE'S A CAT A KITTY CAT A CUTE WIBBLY DIBBLY KITTY CAT (We're rescheduling these posts to a couple of hours earlier since 12am PST is a tad too late for our optics)
#DailyVA11HallA Day 16. The tenth day is when Dorothy spends the night with Jill AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT GODDAMN MEANS...!
New Year's eve is a time of endings, but an ending is just a new beginning! We started a new chapter when we finished VA-11 Hall-A, so for today's #DailyVA11HallA we recount the struggles of making that ending. sukeban.moe/index.php/2022… One more to go tomorrow!
Happy Birthday & Merry Mega Christmas! #va11halla #DailyVA11HallA
#DailyVA11HallA "Epilogue" Happy New Year!! #VA11HallA
Reminder that this starts on the 8th! Even if you don't play along we'll be posting trivia about each day or just the development in general every day while #DailyVA11HallA lasts, so look forward to that! twitter.com/SukebanGames/s…
(*´ω`*) #DailyVA11HallA
#DailyVA11HallA Day 15. The ninth day is one full of spooks for Jill. And no, we don't mean Norma pretending to be a ghost.
It is the 3rd day of #DailyVA11HallA Today we play through the second day of the Prologue, and taking the chance that Betty is around, let's talk about how the heck you write a queer character when you come from a town that doesn't show up in maps. sukeban.moe/index.php/2022…
For the 14th day of #DailyVA11HallA we play the 9th day, the fabled "Gaby Bomb". And so, today we explore how and why Gaby was the last addition to the game and its story. sukeban.moe/index.php/2022…
An ending is just the prelude to a beginning. We hope you're all feeling hope for the fresh new start today brings. For now, we bring you the last #DailyVA11HallA post of 2022. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed making them. sukeban.moe/index.php/2023…
Day 5 of #DailyVA11HallA is all about Anna babyyyyyyyy!!! YOU can play her introduction on the title screen and WE will tell you all about she almost killed our poor writer through no fault of her own. sukeban.moe/index.php/2022…
¡Feliz día de los inocentes! Day 21 of #DailyVA11HallA covers the third day of the third week. And in honor of thirds, we explain in detail the struggles of writing the section between the climax and the ending (and the joys discovered in the process) sukeban.moe/index.php/2022…
We're at the 8th day of #DailyVA11HallA, today's the third day which is Alma's debut. Meanwhile, we talk at length about a certain other guy making himself too comfortable at the bar lately. sukeban.moe/index.php/2022…
For the 4th day of #DailyVA11HallA you can play the last day of the Prologue. As for us? We explain the rationale behind having a proper main character rather than a blank slate... but also, we talk about the time where we DID have a blank slate MC sukeban.moe/index.php/2022…
(ゝω・)☆ #DailyVA11HallA
Day 11 of #DailyVA11HallA is the 6th day, that one where Jill and Dana get piss drunk on a balcony. And in honor of that we talk too much about high school OCs and the nature of ideas. Did any of you check the text on the Steam trading cards btw? sukeban.moe/index.php/2022…
ÒwÓ 今日はVA-11 Hall-Aの一日目 今年はなんと曜日も一緒なの! OwO #DailyVA11HallA