Japanese Lesson Day 13: 「👚可愛いけど 値段が 可愛くない。」 (Kawaiikedo nedanga kawaikunai ) Meaning: It’s cute but the price isn’t cute. #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 12: 「暇ではあるけど 君に時間を割く程 暇じゃない。」 (himadewa arukedo kimini jikannwo sakuhodo himajyanai ) Meaning: I'm free, but not enough to spend time on you. #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 11: 「忙しいか聞く前に要件言って、それ次第で答え変わる。」 (isogashiika kikumaeni youken itte. Sore shidaide Kotaekawaru) Meaning: Before asking me if I’m busy, tell me what the plan is. My answer will change depending on the occasion. #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 10: 「 私 怒らないけど 別に 優しくないよ? 無関心なだけ。 」 (Watashi okoranaikedo betsuni yasashikunaiyo? Mukanshin na dake.) Meaning: I don’t get angry but that doesn’t mean I’m nice. Just means I don’t care. #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 9: 「 これ飽きた 」 ( Kore akita. ) Meaning: I’m bored of this. #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 8: 「 スマホ使いすぎて小指曲がった。見て✋🙎🏻‍♀️」 ( sumaho tsukaisugite koyubi magatta. Mite. ) Meaning: My pinky finger dented from using my phone too much. Look 🙎🏻‍♀️🤚」 #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 7: 「返って来ない可能性も視野に入れた上で、、お金貸してくれる?」 ( Kaette konai kanouseimo shiyani ireta uede… Okane kashite kureru?) Meaning: Taking into consideration that you may not be getting it back…Can I borrow some money? #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 6: 「いやいやw えっ?w 🥰💢」 ( iya iya. eh? ) Meaning: My bias only had 0.2 screen time in the new MV. The plant in the background had more screen time than that lol. I wanna speak to everybody that took part in making this decision #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 5: 「 最初 遅いけど 5話から 面白くなるから! 良いから見て!」 ( Saisho Osoikedo Gowakara omoshirokunarukara! iikara mite!) Meaning: It’s slow at first but it gets interesting after the 5th episode! Just watch it! #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 4: 「 バナナって 急に 腐るよね〜 」 ( banana tte kyuuni kusaruyone~ ) Meaning: Bananas spoil so suddenly #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 3: 「まぁ 奢ってくれるなら行くけど。」 (Maa OgotteKurerunara ikukedo ) Meaning: Well, I’ll go if you’re paying. #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 2: 「目にゴミ入ったw なんの為のまつ毛やねんw 」 (Me ni gomi haitta. Nanno tameno matsugeyanen ) Meaning: I got trash in my eyes. What are these eyelashes for? #DailySallyJapanese
Japanese Lesson Day 1: 「なんか いきなり 膝 痒い」 (Nanka ikinari hiza kayui) Meaning: my knees are suddenly itchy. #DailySallyJapanese