LOVEBITES、英国『DOWNLOAD FESTIVAL』出演決定‼️6/15(土)、伝説のドニントンパークで、いざ勝負❗️ Lovebites confirmed to play @DownloadFest UK on 15 June!!🇯🇵🇬🇧 #LOVEBITES #DL2019 Get your ticket here! download.frontgatetickets.com/?utm_source=20… downloadfestival.co.uk
Just announced!!! Coming back to UK on June 16th for @DownloadFest!!! 6月16日にイギリスにて開催される”DOWNLOAD FESTIVAL 2019”に出演決定!! downloadfestival.co.uk #coldrain #DL2019
6/14~16に本国イギリスで開催される #DL2019 の最終ラインナップがとうとう発表されました!👏🏻🔥🔥 日本から参戦されるダウンローダーの方はいらっしゃいますか!?🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️🤘🏻 詳細は👉ow.ly/mey530oJKMf
Hey!! The people who love DOWNLOAD FES!!🇬🇧The Wolves are so excited to be back here and party with you! It's been four years since the last time in Download!!(「゚Д゚)「ガウガウ And today's gonna be a special gig with our special brothas!! Here we go!! #DL2019 #mwam #MFZB
Yesterday we took pictures with our guitar hero, Dave "The Snake" Sabo from SKID ROW!!(「゚Д゚)「ガウガウ We are the youth gone wild!! #DL2019 #mwam #skidrow
Thanks a ton everyone who came to see us @DownloadFest !! It was an amazing moment!! WE WILL RETURN!! #LOVEBITES #DL2019
🇬🇧 DOWNLOAD FESTIVAL 🇬🇧 Thanks to everyone who came out to see us in @DownloadFest last Sunday! Super rad! And we’re very pleasure to meet you guys again in #DL2019 @Cane_Hill, @coldrain_jp, @fever333 and many more! Song: Hail to the Fire (HELIX) Filmed: @johngyllhamn