DON’T WORRY has just surpassed 1 Million streams! 🥳🖤 Now let’s focus on LOST, which is less than 22K away from 1M! soundcloud.com/off_def/lost Lets keep streaming everyone 🤘🏼 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
200202 Junny Instagram live New addition to the ØFFSHORE crew, Junny, mentions Jaebeom and how he’s been taking care of him as a hyung 🖤 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
It has been 2 years since 1/? vol.2 was released on Soundcloud 🖤 vol.2, produced alongside ROYAL DIVE, is Def.'s second mixtape and the only mixtape so far to feature both an intro and outro! soundcloud.com/off_def/sets/1… #DefMixtapeVol2 #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
Def. reached 173K followers on Soundcloud! Remember to follow if you haven’t already and ❤️ your favourite mixtapes and songs! ♪ If you don’t have a Soundcloud account yet, you can sign in using your FB or google account 😉 ➛ soundcloud.com/off_def #임재범 #DEF #ØFFSHORE
defdaily member recruitment 🐥🌴 We aim to expand our team to be able to support Jaebeom better in the future 💜 Fill out the form if you’re interested and we‘ll get back to you soon ~ forms.gle/BwpbkXYEtA6JRm… #JB #제이비 #임재범 #DEF #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐
200111 Jaebeom’s Instagram update jaybnow.hr: before #JB #제이비 #임재범 #DEF #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
DANCE EARTH FESTIVAL 2017 Day-2!!! 雨にも負けずスタートから Happy全開で開催中です✨ AMAZING COFFEE×DANCE EARTH FESTIVALの コラボレーションコーヒーバックで 本番へ向けて温まりたいと思います😊 #DEF
DANCE EARTH FESTIVAL'17 10/14 Happinessとして参加します🌏 たのしみです!!!🌹☁️ 一緒にたのしみましょーーーう😆 #DEF #DEP #Happiness instagram.com/p/BY5tszbjJNP/