[#️⃣] COUNTDOWN TAGS We are down to our last 3 days before DARARI Remix release! Please use the tags below and let's show our excitement! 🔥 OUR MELODY DARARI #DARARI_REMIX_D3 #DARARI #TREASURE @treasuremembers
Who is excited for DARARI Remix? Please use the tags below and let's make some noise. 😇 OUR MELODY DARARI #DARARI_REMIX_D3 #DARARI #TREASURE @treasuremembers
📢TREASURE MAKER NOTICE 3 days until DARARI Remix ver. exclusive performance video releases!💃 Aren't you guys excited? Let's build the hype by using the tags below⬇️ OUR MELODY DARARI #DARARI_REMIX_D3 #DARARI #TREASURE @treasuremembers