We’re about to start day two of the #e3! All ready to go! Aaaaand we’ve got some stylish swag up for grabs! #Cyberpunk2077
Fresh batch of #Cyberpunk2077 screenshots!
What can we do in Night City? To what extent can we customize our character? How many gangs are there – and can we join them? Check out our #Cyberpunk2077 #AnswerTime session with @Milezzx & @PaweSasko on @tumblr for answers to these (and more) questions! cyberpunkgame.tumblr.com/tagged/answert…
Johnny Silverhand is the coolest. #Cyberpunk2077 ign.com/videos/2019/06…
Aaaand here are two new screenshots! #Cyberpunk2077
You were surprised, weren‘t you? #Cyberpunk2077 #E2019 #JohnnySilverhand
Even after three full days of presentations at #E32019  @rob_malinowski can‘t get his hand off the #Cyberpunk2077 demo. It keeps him going!
Check out our collaboration with instagram.com/deathburger on these awesome steelbooks featuring the gangs from #Cyberpunk2077! If you want to cop one be sure to contact your local retailer! cyberpunk.net/pre-order
>ENTROPISM The look of poverty that derives from humans grappling with and struggling against technology and its unforgiving advance. It denotes a lack of design blending with a general poverty of means and ideas. #Cyberpunk2077 #NecessityOverStyle
>KITSCH The look of a long lost golden age on people entirely unwilling or unable to forget it. It’s flashy, bold and usually cheap – filled with gold-plated cyberware, implants encased in brightly colored plastic and larger-than-life makeup. #Cyberpunk2077 #StyleOverSubstance
>NEOMILITARISM The look of global conflict and corporations jockeying for power. Cold, sharp and modern. Making everyone look as if they are ready to drop out of an AV’s cargo door and head straight into combat. #Cyberpunk2077 #SubstanceOverStyle
>NEOKITSCH The look of infinite wealth and vanity. Synonymous with luxury, it has been blossoming among Night City’s wealthiest elites – those who can afford to buy anything, who can afford to be anything they want to be. #Cyberpunk2077 #SubstanceAndStyle
Dex is one of the best fixers in town. Hardly anything goes in Night City that he doesn't know about. He’s got killer intuition and the experience to match – word on the street is anyone who manages their first job for Dex is sure to go far. #Cyberpunk2077
>What: PC Standard and Collector’s Edition Pre-orders >Where: US & Canada >When: June 20th, 10AM PST! #Cyberpunk2077
As for netrunners, it’s hard to find someone more pro than Bug. Her consistency and persistence have brought her respect and trust in the field. As the mercs say: if Bug can’t do it, who can? #Cyberpunk2077
Thank you for all the positive energy during #E32019! #Cyberpunk2077
Placide is the Voodoo Boys second-in-command. He radiates the aura of danger and threat – inspiring fear and respect in people around him. He’s a man of few words, and his smile is terrifying to behold. Or so people say. Luckily he smiles exceedingly rarely. #Cyberpunk2077
Welcome to Totentanz! #Cyberpunk2077 #E32019
Sasquatch is the leader of the Animals – a gang from west Pacifica known for their brutality and fascination with everything corporeal. But don’t let their looks fool you. Clever, professional and efficient, they are no ordinary thugs. #Cyberpunk2077
Maman Brigitte is the leader of the Voodoo Boys gang. She is mysterious and unnerving, threatening even. She pursues her aims with a dogged, merciless ambition – it’s much better to have her as a friend than a foe. #Cyberpunk2077
ファミ通発売日!やっと発表できる! というわけで…現在はCD PROJEKT REDのジャパン・ローカライズマネージャーとして #Cyberpunk2077 の日本語ローカライズを担当しています。 まさか本間さん(@homma_force)と一緒に仕事をする日が来るとは…! 皆さん、是非ご期待ください!
本日発売の週刊ファミ通に #サイバーパンク2077 大型特集が掲載! ゲームディレクター @MTomaszkiewicz のインタビューや、主人公Vが駆る“YAIBA KUSANAGI”の独占ショット、日本語ローカライズインタビューなど盛りだくさん。是非ご覧ください! #Cyberpunk2077
🔊 Hello, Night City! What better way to start your day off than with some killer riffs? We teamed up with @Refused to bring the iconic band SAMURAI to life in #Cyberpunk2077 – and today we have their first track to share with you… here’s Chippin’ In! youtu.be/Igq3d6XA75Y
Night City is a place where you'll see various forms of advertising staring back at you from every corner of the neon-soaked megalopolis. Meet Kasia Redesiuk, one of the Art Directors working on the game, and find out which ad is her favorite! #Cyberpunk2077