The man shooting this used his phone to show the time, it was 11:26 on Dec 26, 2022. He also said he admired himself for being able to withstand such a strong smell of formalin, “It must because I just got infected (with #Covid)”, he said.
#ThrowbackThursday It was a national imperative to communicate with the 1.3 billion+ argumentative Indians to inspire a collective resolve to deal with #Covid crisis, and April 5 Light-A-Diya call by PM @narendramodi did achieve it substantially!…
2020年2月3日,郭文贵先生曝光了研发 #Covid-19 病毒的最重要的人物郭德银,是王岐山2017到2019年见的最多的人。 On February 3, 2020, Mr. #MilesGuo exposed Guo Deyin, the most important figure in the research and development of the covid-19 virus, whom Wang Wishan most often visited……