#Taiwan is proof that managing #COVID19 doesn't require autocratic measures. The #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus uses hypervigilance, technology & an #AllHandsOnDeck democratic approach. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #HealthForAll & #LeaveNoOneBehind. thediplomat.com/2020/04/how-ta…
🙌 Combating #Coronavirus requires an #AllHandsOnDeck approach. 🙏 I’m proud to play my small part alongside @g0vtw, @MOHW_Taiwan @Taiwan_CDC and #RepublicOfCitizens. 👏 Yes! Together we can manage the #COVID19 outbreak & realise @WHO’s #HealthForAll. twitter.com/ForeignAffairs…
.@MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen took time out from the regular #Coronavirus briefing to discuss the relevance of his pink medical mask. The big takeaway: No color is exclusive to girls or boys. #GenderEquality lies at the heart of #Taiwan values.
TAIWAN is on everyone's lips in #Canberra after a #TaiwanCanHelp skywriting campaign organized by #Taiwan-#Australia doctors & professionals. The initiative highlights cooperative efforts in combating #Coronavirus & realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll. ➡️bit.ly/2Z7zY44
Lip service wasn't an option when combating #Coronavirus in #Taiwan. The #AllHandsOnDeck approach saved lives & proved #TaiwanCanHelp. It also showed the value of real cooperation, transparency & unity. Discover the #TaiwanModel via our video & website. ➡️bit.ly/36cD2xd
Many hands make light work! Our staffers are proud to play a humble part in ensuring essential #Coronavirus-combating items are packed, shipped, loaded & freighted to #Taiwan’s allies & friends worldwide. #TeamTaiwan is making a big difference & helping realize #HealthForAll.
🇹🇼How did democratic #Taiwan combat #Coronavirus? 🧼Soap, hand sanitizer, #CivicTech & plenty of trust. 📢Amplified social innovation truly is fast, fair & fun! 📺Watch my interview with @BBCWorld & learn more about the #TaiwanModel 👉 covid19.mohw.gov.tw/en/.
🇩🇪Mitteilung zum #Coronavirus #COVID19 der Botschaft Tokyo für Deutsche Landsleute in Japan🇯🇵 Link: japan.diplo.de/ja-de/aktuelle… 日本のフォロワーの皆様へ 現在日本に滞在中のドイツ人をご存知でしたら、このツイートをその方々に転送していただけますと幸いです🙏
41 years to the day since #TRA came into play, #Taiwan-#US ties are stronger than ever. Minister Wu & #AIT Director Christensen saw off 2 million masks set for #COVID19-hit states, with more to come. Both sides will keep combating #Coronavirus together & promoting #HealthForAll.
更新:「新しい地図」と日本財団が基金設立 #Coronavirus twitter.com/i/events/12190…
#TaiwanCanHelp is the inconvenient truth for @WHO. Proven #Coronavirus-combating credentials, great NHI & deep medical know-how qualify the country for participation. But #Taiwan remains shut out on political grounds. It's time to heed the clarion call. ➡️bit.ly/2YH5bLj
#TeamTaiwan's good work is paying off! Millions of face masks are nearly on the ground in Europe. Soon they'll be used for combating #Coronavirus in ally #HolySee, #Switzerland, #UK & 8 #EU member states. #TaiwanCares, #TaiwanShares & #TaiwanCanHelp realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
Quite a cool illustration on why it's important to #StayHomeSaveLives during #CoronavirusPandemic #Coronavirus
As #Coronavirus subsides in Hong Kong, #Hongkongers are gathering once again to sing "Glory to Hong Kong", the protest anthem, 04/26 6:30pm, to show our persistence & determination in resisting Beijing's increasing control. The organizers urge everyone to keep social distance.
Experience with #SARS pushed #Taiwan to react quickly & decisively to combat #Coronavirus. Now #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic. But the country needs a #WHA73 seat to better share the #TaiwanModel & assist in realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll. edition.cnn.com/2020/04/04/asi…
🇩🇪Mitteilung zum #Coronavirus #COVID19 der Botschaft Tokyo für Deutsche Landsleute in Japan🇯🇵 Link: japan.diplo.de/ja-de/aktuelle… 🇯🇵のフォロワーの皆様 現在日本滞在中のドイツ人をご存知でしたら、このツイートをその方々に転送していただけますと幸いです🙏いつもご協力ありがとうございます。
We're happy to help a good #EU friend. #Taiwan readily shares #Coronavirus-combating resources with #Poland, as well as other like-minded countries & allies. Unity is key to managing the #COVID19 pandemic & becoming #StrongerTogether. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll. twitter.com/PolandMFA/stat…
#Taiwan & the #US are working hand in hand to combat #Coronavirus. The like-minded partners will pool R&D data & resources to develop cutting-edge & effective measures targeting #COVID19. Yes! Taiwan-U.S. cooperation & #ScienceDiplomacy can help realize @WHO's #HealthForAll.
The #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus, plus donations of masks & equipment, are some of the ways #TaiwanCanHelp. But the country stands ready to do even more! @jeromeacohen & @yujiechentw make a good point: Politics mustn't undermine public health. cfr.org/in-brief/why-d…
Nas is scared of #Coronavirus. Fortunately, he found a country to assuage his fears: #Taiwan! Watch the social media personality's video & learn more about the #TaiwanModel & #AllHandsOnDeck approach to managing the #COVID19 pandemic. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp ➡️bit.ly/3deAXU4
Watch Minister Wu’s enlightening interview with @MariaBartiromo via @MorningsMaria on @FoxBusiness. Learn more about #Taiwan’s #AllHandsOnDeck approach to combating #Coronavirus led by @MOHW_Taiwan & @Taiwan_CDC. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp manage #COVID19 & realize @WHO’s #HealthForAll.
We're flattered by @BarbraStreisand's praise for #Taiwan & its #Coronavirus-fighting capabilities. Like the essence of her 1976 classic "A Star is Born," the sky's the limit when like-minded partners come together & inspire one another to greater heights. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp twitter.com/BarbraStreisan…
Minister Wu makes the big points in his interview with @MariaBartiromo via @MorningsMaria on @FoxBusiness. #Taiwan's effective #Coronavirus response utilizes SARS experience, whole government approach & open communication. Together, we can manage #COVID19 & realize #HealthForAll.
Excellent @timesofindia editorial. "@WHO is badly in need of reform, which must include a recognition that #COVID19 ... can only be tackled through genuine cooperation between all international stakeholders." We agree! #TaiwanCanHelp combat #Coronavirus & achieve #HealthForAll. twitter.com/timesofindia/s…
VP Chen shared the #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus with @BBCWorld. The country is better managing the #COVID19 pandemic due to its #SARS experience, & is making available expertise, supplies & technologies. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll. english.president.gov.tw/News/5991