【NIKKE Illustration】 Check out the illustration of Cocoa by 邪悪小鸭 (@MrilSWeet)! The journey to becoming Head Maid is also a long one... #NIKKE #Cocoa
【Cocoa's Sweet Battle Strategy】 The Head Maid, Cocoa, is creating her own love-cake! Every recipe is full of her sincerity, or ketchup... #NIKKE #Cocoa
【NIKKE Motion Demonstration】 Cocoa - a busy head maid Cocoa uses SR: Cocorella, and her Burst skill can dispel debuffs on teammates, and reduce the attack power of all enemies under certain conditions. #NIKKE #Cocoa
【NIKKE PROFILE - Cocoa】 ✅: Manufacturer: TETRA LINE ✅: Affiliation: Maid For You ✅: Weapon: SR: Cocorella The youngest member of Maid For You, and the Maid Leader. Even though the lights are on but no one is home, she works tirelessly to complete her duties. #NIKKE #Cocoa
【NIKKE PROFILE - Cocoa】 A Nikke whom customers find rather endearing. “With this, we can just fix about anything." #NIKKE #Cocoa
【Pick Up Recruitment Notice】 A new character 「Cocoa」 is coming soon~ 「Cocoa」 Pick Up recruitment begins simultaneously! Stay tuned! #NIKKE #Cocoa
#突然ですが占ってもいいですか? 番組内でかかっていた曲をご紹介♫No.10 #いのちの食べ方/Eve #ゲートボーラー/SUSHIBOYS #音楽やめたい/キュウソネコカミ #A・RA・SHI/嵐 #Cocoa/菊池風磨 #ブルーベリー・ナイツ/マカロニえんぴつ #サイショの恋~モテたくて~/DISH//