Classy Affair - has officially arrived! Log in and join your clan members as you prepare for the illustrious Social Season! Availability: today till Dec 15, 12:00 (UTC+8) See here for full event details: nucarnival.com/en-US/News/202… #NUCarnival #ClassyAffair #Edmond #Blade
[Lovable Enforcer | Blade] "Highest priority mission: protect darling!" Watching as he slowly learns to understand "emotions", becoming more and more human, a strange feeling takes hold of Eiden's heart... #NUCarnival #ClassyAffair #LovableEnforcer #Blade
[Elite Instructor | Edmond] "Stop that shameless behavior!" After helping Eiden train for the ball, the usually reserved Edmond puts forward an idea that no one ever saw coming... #NUCarnival #ClassyAffair #EliteInstructor #Edmond