YES! I'm sorry, I've been working on them... #XJAPAN, #YOSHIKI albums, #YouTubeOriginals, #VUK, #Classical, #Film #SoundTrack and hundreds of things, as much as I can.. almost 24/7 I'm so sorry for the delay I'll work harder! ごめんなさい!これからは1日24時間以上働きます!👽 twitter.com/Kei_Jealousy/s…
Check it out. "Yoshiki World Tour in Europe-Documentary- ワールドツアーのドキュメンタリー映像公開 -舞台裏を独占取材-ヨーロッパ編-(字幕あり) Full ver→ youtu.be/aJ_7VAJwShk?t=… #YOSHIKI #Classical #WorldTour #Documentary #PrivateJet scene #YouTubeMusicWeekend @YoshikiChannel
Dear Detectives, it's Classical Music Day today! Let us revel in Antonio's wonderful rendition of Beethoven's Symphonies!🎻🎵 #IdentityV #Classical #Music