𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜の素敵な声🎶届け I vote #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP
Christmas Tree by V audio is now on Tiktok Add it to favorites and upload your own videos to promote Christmas Tree 🖇 vm.tiktok.com/TTPd62HrN9/ #ChristmasTree #V_ChristmasTree #HotTrendingSongs
[Dc Inside x My Celebs] D-5 『MARITHE FANCOIS GRBAUDの手袋が似合う暖かいスター』 テテに投票お願いします #V 🥈33.74% 𝟏. 뷔 を選択 𝟐. 감성적 を選択 𝟑. 紫のバーをタップ 🕛3時間毎に投票可能 🗳️ vote.mycelebs.ai/m/theme_pick_v… キムテヒョン #ChristmasTree
🐯テテタイム🐻 いつかテテが自分の映画のレッドカーペットに登場する日を楽しみにしてます☺️ 今日はリプ欄にChristmas TreeのShazam、ストリーミングのスクショと MOST POPULAR CELEBRITY KIM TAEHYUNG #V_ChristmasTree #ChristmasTree by #V @BTS_twt を送ってください💜
Shazamパーティー🔥 テテが誇らしいです❣️ リプ欄にテテとShazamのスクショと SO PROUD OF YOU TAEHYUNG WE LOVE YOU KIM TAEHYUNG Can’t get over to this masterpiece song #ChristmasTree by #V of @BTS_twt the official soundtrack of Our Beloved Summer #V_ChristmasTree を送ってください💜
K- media reporters are just like us… “Where is V. V” OUR PROOF TAEHYUNG Listening to #V_ChristmasTree (#ChristmasTree) #Singularity by #V @BTS_twt
Are you running your Playlists?🚀 Here's a playlist for you #V #ChristmasTree #V_ChristmasTree #HotTrendingSongs Christmas Tree by V open.spotify.com/playlist/4zOqT…
Winter Bear MOST SEARCHED ASIAN CELEBRITY V I can’t stop listening to my all time favorite OST #V’s #ChristmasTree #ChristmasTree @BTS_twt #BTS
Winter Bear MOST SEARCHED ASIAN CELEBRITY V I can’t stop listening to my all time favorite OST #V’s #ChristmasTree #ChristmasTree @BTS_twt #BTS
— ARTICLES | V >React (1th emoji 🥰) recommend, share. >Goal 4K >RT 1 naver.me/5hgv96Vx 2 naver.me/GPBRfYKE 3 naver.me/GJvojr57 #ChristmasTree - #V_ChristmasTree OST by #V #BTSV is My trending Song Choice @BTS_twt
サイト 重いねん😭😭😭😭 김태형 사랑해요ꔛ♡ I vote #ChristmasTree by #V #BTS in #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP
📻 "Christmas Tree" by V was played on the South Korean Radio Program, MBC FM <Kim Eana's Starry Night> by Special DJ Park Hyoshin! #V_ChristmasTree #ChristmasTree by #V 🎄 twitter.com/april_951230/s…
💜ボラヘタイム💜 テテの素敵な曲を応援しましょう YT Christmas Tree ▶︎ youtube.com/watch?v=lj8TV9… Spotify ▶︎ open.spotify.com/playlist/26sFn… WE LOVE YOU TAEHYUNG Listen to #ChristmasTree #V_ChristmasTree #V of @BTS_twt
🏆 SDA 2022 Best O.S.T 🏆 Have you voted today for #V_ChristmasTree? Please do before reset at midnight KST. We must vote daily. 🗳 tinyurl.com/28vrxsma #BTSV #V #ChristmasTree
깜찍이 태형 선배 GLOBAL MEGA-SUPERSTAR TAEHYUNG Listen,stream and shazam #V_ChristmasTree #ChristmasTree by #V the longest charting OST on global spotify. It will be a good day. @BTS_twt
"CHRISTMAS TREE BY V" has gained 200K streams in the last 24 hours and has now a total of 29.3M streams with 1.4M+ accumulated unique listeners on Melon! #ChristmasTree by #V #V_ChristmasTree @BTS_twt
まさかお正月に来てくれるなんて😭 センイル4日後に又ご褒美🎁 今回もウリテテは やってくれた😭 ウサ耳付けて余裕の微笑💗美のモナリザ💗 からの… "意義あります" まるで無邪気な幼な子🧸 いいんです それでいいんです😭 I vote #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP
Sweet like candy🍭🍬Taehyung いつもRT&タグリプしてくださる方々、感謝です 甘いテテちゃんで一息ついていただけたら♡ Listening to Tae’s song #V_ChristmasTree (#ChristmasTree) by #V of #BTS     #BTSV @BTS_twt
VERSATILE VOCALIST V I'm currently listening to the masterpiece song #V_ChristmasTree the Best OST of the Year #ChristmasTree by #V of @BTS_twt
— ARTICLES | V >React (1th emoji 🥰) recommend, share. >Goal 4K >RT 1 naver.me/x0GSiTMx 2 naver.me/xI8SHArj 3 naver.me/GMqhIi55 4 naver.me/56YtNpLS #ChristmasTree - #V_ChristmasTree by #V is My trending Song Choice @BTS_twt
センイル終了1分前に届いたメッセージ。 今だ!って。送った姿を想像するとなんか幸せな気分になる。 今夜もテテを見て寝落ちしたいな😌🌃💤🌛 それまでちょっと可愛いテテを見つけてみようかな😊💜 I vote #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP
テテに撮してもらえるとか うらやましい…🌹 上目遣い… つるっとした鼻… 腕…♥️ RT🟰一票🌹 I vote #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP こちらから🗳⬇️ bit.ly/3uZnWZq
𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜の歌🎶世界に届けよ I vote #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP