Listening to #ChristmasTree by #V 2021 OST of the Year #V_ChristmasTree My Trending Songs choice. @BTS_twt
🐯テテタイム🐻 今日のグラミー賞、テテ本当に輝いていましたね💜さすが世界のキムテヒョン👍 皆さん、一番印象に残っているシーンはなんでしょうか? リプ欄に KIM TAEHYUNG AT GRAMMYS I’m listening to #V_ChristmasTree my favorite OST #ChristmasTree by #V @BTS_twt を送ってください💜
Disney  PRINCESS DAYS by Francfranⅽ CHRISTMAS STARTERSET  Coming soon.... #Disney #Francfranc #PRINCESSDAYS #ChristmasTree
🎧🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE STREAMING PARTAE STARTS NOW !! LET’S GOOOOO TRACK 1 : CHRISTMAS TREE Drop your streaming screenshots below with OUR BELOVED CHRISTMAS TREE #ChristmasTae #HotTrendingSongs  #V_ChristmasTree #ChristmasTree #V #BTS
🐯テテタイム🐻 今日テテがTwitter、インスタ、weverseに来て素敵な思い出を沢山共有してくれましたね🥰 リプ欄に 100 REASONS FOR V I’m listening to #V_ChristmasTree the most beautiful song #ChristmasTree by #V @BTS_twt を送ってください💜 🎥©️ glossnwild
"CHRISTMAS TREE BY V" has now surpassed 9,000,000 streams on Genie (Second biggest music platform in Korea) with 656,252 unique listeners! #ChristmasTree by #V #V_ChristmasTree @BTS_twt
"CHRISTMAS TREE BY V" has now spent 15 weeks on the MelOn Weekly Chart, extending its record as Taehyung's longest charting song as a soloist on the said chart! #11 on OST Weekly Chart #30 on Ballad Weekly chart #84 on Weekly Chart #ChristmasTree by #V #V_ChristmasTree
"CHRISTMAS TREE BY V" has spent 110 consecutive days on Global Shazam Top 200 Chart, making it the first song by a Korean soloist & first Korean OST in history to achieved this milestone! It never left the chart since release! #ChristmasTree by #V #V_ChristmasTree @BTS_twt
Christmas Tree by V is 60,247 views away from reaching 15M on YouTube! Manually search 🎄 on YT and drop your ss here along with the tags! LISTENING TO CHRISTMAS TREE BY V #V_ChristmasTree #ChristmasTree by #V
Goodmorning to.. .*...ଘ(BARITONE VOCAL ANGEL V)ଓ..*. Are you listening to #V_ChristmasTree #ChristmasTree beautiful OST by #V of @BTS_twt ?
テテの応援お願いします 🎧ストリーミング 🌀shazam 1.994.514 🔜 2.000.000 🔥 🔗 open.spotify.com/playlist/3rouI… please rt & reply & ss WE PURPLE YOU TAEHYUNG Listen to #V_ChristmasTree 2021 OST of the Year #ChristmasTree by #V of @BTS_twt
今日はお休みぃ (*´ω`人)~♬ やねんけどいろいろありまして ちょいとバタバタします😭😭😭 合間見てポチポチは頑張るねっꔛ♡ あと無言RTするかもなんで お許しを🙇‍♂️ I vote #ChristmasTree by #V #BTS in #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP
Shazamパーティー🔥 テテの歌声は世界中で多くの人を癒しています✨ リプ欄にテテとShazamのスクショ、キーワード TOP ARTIST V I'm happily listening to this beautiful song #V_ChristmasTree #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS  it's the best OST ever! @BTS_twt を送ってください💜
『SEOUL INTERNATIONAL DRAMA AWARDS(SDA)』 韓国が企画したドラマ専門グローバル授賞式『2022 Best OST 』部門にノミネートされているテテちゃんの美しい曲 #ChristmasTree にIDOL CHAMPで投票し 授賞式で賞を受けるテテを見たいです!! 皆さん 応援お願い致します🙇‍♀️ VOTE CHRISTMAS TREE FOR SDA
SPECTACULAR KIM TAEHYUNG Let's continue streaming #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS in all digital platforms #V_ChristmasTree @BTS_twt twitter.com/VTrendSongs/st…
"CHRISTMAS TREE BY V" has now surpassed 40,000,000 streams with 1.6M+ accumulated unique listeners on MelOn! #ChristmasTree by #V #V_ChristmasTree @BTS_twt
서진이네 김태형 인턴, 셀린느 보이 뷔의 #ChristmasTree 와 행복한 저녁시간 보내세요 위버스에도 예쁜 글 부탁드려요🙏 1️⃣유툽 url.kr/wfa1k6 2️⃣스포티파이 url.kr/odx12j 3️⃣멜론 kko.to/6zUGPcQ64 I vote #V from #BTS for #TOP100KPOPMEMBERS @TOP100KPOP twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
テテ♡大好き I vote #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP
テヒョンに1位を贈りましょ💚 ポチポチもコツコツがんばろ🎵 3年前の今日のテヒョン💚 I vote #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP
2023/1/8[#TaehyungNaver] 🗞テテの記事です 3pmまでに・いいね・オススメ(記事下スクロール)・シェア・ブログをお願い致します WE VOTE #ChristmasTree by #V #BTS in #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP twitter.com/naver_taehyung…
I’m listening to #ChristmasTree #V_ChristmasTree by #V of @BTS_twt
一旦泣きたい😭 2013.7.14 カンナムサイン会 デビュー1か月 17歳のテテ坊🧸 この子の純真な表情 汚れのない瞳の奥🫧 愛らしい仕草❤️ こんな天使👼🏻に 『僕は悲しみたくない』 断じて二度と言わせない😭 お守りします❤️‍🔥 I vote #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP
ただいまꔛꔛ ちょっと疲労困憊につきまた明日。 (RTもポチポチも何もできてない💦) ジョングクさん場所変わって下さい🙏 マジで明日 起きれるかな😭😭😭 I vote #ChristmasTree by #V #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP
大好きなテテ💖 みんなの想いが届きますように🕊 #HappyTaehyungDay #HappyBirthdayTaehyung RT or リプで1票❧💐☙ @TOP100KPOP フォロー必須 I vote #ChristmasTree by #V of #BTS #TOP100KPOPSONGS2022 @TOP100KPOP