Crested Kingfisher (冠鱼狗, Megaceryle lugubris). Large thickset kingfisher of fast-flowing streams in forested inland regions. It features a large, shaggy crest. by 魏三哲 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
male Silver Pheasant (白鹇, Lophura nycthemera) -- Large and spectacular pheasant found in forested areas. It is under second-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 浪漫蜻蜓 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
courtship competition between 2 male Reeves's Pheasants (白冠长尾雉,Syrmaticus reevesii). Endemic to #China, they are under top-class state protection. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 水晶石头 #Chinese #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Red-whiskered Bulbul (红耳鹎,Pycnonotus jocosus). It features a tall black crest, a small red patch on ear and red under-tail coverts. credit 水晶石头 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Minister Wu briefed top #Czech🇨🇿 journalists on our shared resolve to deter #China's belligerence. He thanked #Taiwan's🇹🇼 firm friends @prezidentpavel, @Vystrcil_Milos, @market_a, @ZdenekHrib for their unequivocal support & invited the free world to join us.
Scarlet Finches (血雀,Carpodacus sipahi), in Yunnan province. The brilliantly red male is fittingly named and unmistakable. credit 杨姐 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Red-tailed Minlas (火尾希鹛,Minla ignotincta) are splashing and having fun. Boldly marked small babbler, usually seen foraging actively and acrobatically at middle levels. credit 义胆雄丰 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Himalayan Monals (棕尾虹雉,Lophophorus impejanus), in SW China's #Tibet region. They are under top-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 老河口 #Chinese #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Good day from #China. My love for you all. Kite festival in Shandong province. 🤣🌹 #Chinese #nature #birds #wildlife #travel #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Golden Pheasants (红腹锦鸡). Native to #China, they are under second-class state protection. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
In WWII, the world witnessed a man invade one territory after another. “It’s the same," Minister Wu warned in his @globalnews interview. Whether it’s #Taiwan🇹🇼, the East or South China Seas, #China’s spurious claims must be refuted. 📰bit.ly/3KYTMgk twitter.com/globalnews/sta…
Every bit of tenderness and loveliness in life is worth collecting, and people and nature live in harmony.🌿🌸🐦 #China
Love and togetherness -- Indian White-eyes (灰腹绣眼鸟,Zosterops palpebrosus). by 乾隆通宝 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Wreathed Hornbills (花冠皱盔犀鸟,Rhyticeros undulatus) are having the time of their life. They are under top-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 四方观鸟 #Chinese #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Silver Pheasant (白鹇), male, in Fujian province. It is under second-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 凡人阿衡 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Ruddy Shelduck and 12 chicks under its wings say Good day from #China. My love for you all. 🌹🌹 #Chinese #nature #birds #wildlife #travel #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Red-crowned Crane (丹顶鹤) couple feeds the chick, in NE China's Heilongjiang province. They are under top-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Bohemian Waxwing (太平鸟,Bombycilla garrulus) tries hard to swallow a plum-leaf crab, in Jilin province. He makes it! 🤣 credit 摄影小动物 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Slender-billed Scimitar Babblers (剑嘴鹛,Pomatorhinus superciliaris) are splashing in Yunnan province. It features a bill shaped like a curved sword. credit 义胆雄丰 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
A tranquil drizzle🌿☔ #NaturePhotography #China
Temminck's Tragopan(红腹角雉,Tragopan temminckii), male. It is under second-class state protection in #China. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 京哥 #Chinese #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Good day from #China. This time, two spoiled Mute Swan chicks are riding on Mom's back. 😎 #Chinese #nature #birds #wildlife #travel #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
Greater Flameback (大金背啄木鸟,Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus), in Yunnan province. It always has unmarked golden-yellow to dark brown back and wings. credit 包赛康 #China #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
Silver Pheasant (白鹇, Lophura nycthemera), found mainly in mountains of mainland SE Asia and southern #China. It is under second-class state protection. (FYI:xhtxs.cn/DJW) credit 义胆雄丰 #Chinese #nature #Peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2023
warring Himalayan Marmots (旱獭) say Good day from #Tibet, #China. My love for you all. 🌹🌹 #Chinese #nature #birds #wildlife #travel #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity