“Don’t arrest her! Why do you arrest her?” Crowd shouting while #CCP police arrest a protester in #Hanzhou city #CCPChina tonight #China #ChinaUprising #chinaprotest
My new oped, just out, about the protests in #China, what they signify and what the free world should do in response 👇 telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/11/2…
#Tanks spotted tonight in #Xuzhou city #CCPChina. Don’t know what they are up to, or whether they’re related to #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #BlankPapersRevolution #WhitePaperRevolution in #China
If you wonder what happened to the 3 kids, watch my show at youtu.be/2qb2Fup3tMg #CCPChina #China #OrganHavesting
#CCP military vehicles entering #Xuzhou city, #Jiangsu province, #CCPChina. Not sure whether this has anything to do with #ChinaProtest #ChinaUprising #BlankPapersRevolution #A4Revolution in #China. Xu zhou is about 323 miles away from #Shanghai, where protests happened.
smart crow wishes you a blessed day, everyone. 🤣🤣🌹 #China #travel #birds #wildlife #love #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
We must stand with the brave protesters in #China, spell out clearly robust consequences for #CCP if they crackdown, and seize this opportunity for change, writes @benedictrogers This may be a turning point in China's history. The West must not miss it telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/11/2…
20221128蓬佩奥国务卿呼吁美国为中国百姓发声 1.中共代表不了追求自由的9亿中国百姓 2.美国需要如8964一样为中国百姓发声 3.独裁政权总是表现得坚不可摧、无法被撼动,但实际上不堪一击 4.中共在3年前的本月释放病毒,并以此限制百姓的自由,并开始推行一系列失败的政策 #China #共产党下台 #习近平
Poor boy. Not only forced by #BigWhites, but also betrayed and blamed by his own mother. What kind of a scar will this leave on his heart? This is what the #ChinaProtests #ChinaProtest2022 #ChinaUprising #BLANKPAPERREVOLUTION are fighting up against. #China #A4Revolution
Different kinds of covering your mouth. Which one do you prefer? A little girl covering her dad's mouth during the protest in #Shanghai at #Urumqi Road on Nov 26. What did she fear? #ChinaUprising #China #ChinaProtest2022 #BlankPapersRevolution
Graphic warning. Another tragedy in #CCP’s inhumane #ZeroCovid #lockdown. The victims in #UrumqiFire even didn’t have a chance to get out of the locked apartments. That’s why in #China, #ChinaUprising #ChinaProtest2022 #BlankPapersRevolution is happening.
At Mao Ye Department Store in #Shenzhen City in #CCPChina, one cop in every meter. That's how the #CCP responds to #ChinaUprising #chinaprotest #ChinaUprising #A4Revolution in #China
At #SitongBridge in #Beijing today. The #BlankPapersRevolution is still going on and drivers also honk to support. Why SitongBridge? Watch my show to find out youtu.be/5NaYsqffsJo #China #ChinaUprising #ChinaRevolution #chinacovidprotest #ChinaProtests2022
Wish you a blessed day, everyone. Rescued Red-whiskered Bulbul seems to be pissed off. credit 向二狗 🤣🤣 #China #travel #birds #wildlife #love #peace #TwitterNatureCommunity
#China: Awkwardness of running a totalitarian regime masquerading as a democracy.
Breaking: 1/2 Leaked audio: Man from Shifang High School in #Sichuan Province, #China says: The #CCP is doing a test in Shifang High School & other two colleges to see how quickly herd immunization can be established in a closed-off environment. Basically, everyone in the school
Red-billed Blue Magpie (红嘴蓝鹊) is having a feast. credit 巴西木 🌹☕️ #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2022
#Covid quarantine camp in #Lanzhou city, #Gansu province #CCPChina set on fire by somebody. When people decide to fight back, there are many ways, just as #XiJinping said, “Don’t mess with Chinese people, or it won’t end well.” #ChinaProtest #China #ChinaUprising #A4Revolution
In #CCPChina, firefighters are not fighting the fire, but the #COVID19 #lockdown barriers. This is also one of the reasons why at least 44 people died in the #UrumqiFire, which triggered #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #A4Revolution #BlankPapersRevolution in #China.
Somewhere in #CCPChina #AmazingChina, this happened on Nov 28, 2022. I heard some people are missing #JiangZemin's time, when people had more "freedom". Really? I'll talk about Jiang's 6 legacies & their profound impact on #China & world. Sub to watch: bit.ly/3BXzVYT
黄明志歌曲完整版直接对着共产党干了,夯!炸! 你就是不公不义不明不白不折不扣不清不楚不干不净不伦不类的罪魁祸首! 媒体都被你掌控,言论自由都是海市蜃楼 管他的士农工商男女老幼还是三教九流 握紧了拳头去争取你的民主和自由 #China #习近平下台 #白纸运动 #共产党下台
#China: Protesters set fire to a Quarantine camp.
Crested Kingfisher (冠鱼狗). It is a very large kingfisher that is native to parts of Eastern and Southern Asia. credit 飞刀 😎🌹 #China #nature #peace #wildlife #photography #birds #BirdsSeenIn2022