[Debut Info] Thanks for tuning in to Tsukumo Sana's debut, Sanallites! NEXT UP: Ceres Fauna (@ceresfauna) will debut in 30 minutes' time! youtu.be/iICu7NcUK4o #CeresFauna #holoCouncil #hololiveEnglish
[Debut Info] The Keeper of "Nature," Ceres Fauna (@ceresfauna) debuts in 10 minutes' time! youtu.be/iICu7NcUK4o #CeresFauna #holoCouncil #hololiveEnglish twitter.com/ceresfauna/sta…
[Debut Info] Ceres Fauna's (@ceresfauna) debut is starting very soon! We hope you enjoy it! youtu.be/iICu7NcUK4o #CeresFauna #holoCouncil #hololiveEnglish twitter.com/ceresfauna/sta…
ぼくのままを高校生っぽく For some reason I wanted to make my mom look like a high school student. #HololiveEN #CeresFauna #FineFaunart
[🌿Merch🌿] #CeresFauna birthday merch now on sale!🎉 Incl: - Sweatshirt (art: Tohsaka Asagi) - Keychain (art: Tanukii) - Tea Cup & Saucer and birthday voices!✨ 🔽Links🔽 NA: shop.hololivepro.com/products/ceres… Global: shop.geekjack.net/collections/ce… #ホロライブEN #セレス・ファウナ #hololiveEN
【NEW RELEASE!!🎧】 #CeresFauna(@ceresfauna )による1st Single『Let Me Stay Here』のリリースが開始! 自然に囲まれながらまるで夢を見ているような気分になれる一曲になっております🌿 みなさまぜひご視聴ください✨ ▼配信リンク▼ cover.lnk.to/letmestayhere #holoEN #LetMeStayHere
📢Anime Boston On-Site Report📢 The convention has started!🎉 #KureijiOllie, #PavoliaReine, #CeresFauna, and #OuroKronii will be making appearances on May 28!🎵 We hope you look forward to it!✨ #ホロライブID #ホロライブEN #hololiveMeet #holoID #holoEN
📢Anime Boston On-Site Report📢 A special #KureijiOllie, #PavoliaReine, #CeresFauna, and #OuroKronii collab T-shirt is on sale exclusively at the Anime Boston convention!👕✨ To those attending, pick yours up today!🤩🙌 #ホロライブID #ホロライブEN #hololiveMeet #holoID #holoEN
📢Anime Boston On-Site Report📢 The members' Talk Show will start soon!🙌✨ At the venue? Please join in!🎵 ▼Part 1 (EDT 12:30~) KureijiOllie🧟‍♀️ & #PavoliaReine🦚 ▼Part 2 (EDT 14:30~) #CeresFauna🌿 & #OuroKronii#ホロライブID #ホロライブEN #hololiveMeet #holoID #holoEN
📢Anime Boston On-Site Report📢 The Meet and Greets with #CeresFauna🌿 and #OuroKronii⌛ are now underway🥳🎵 * To participate, tickets distributed prior to the event by lottery are required. #ホロライブEN #holoEN #hololiveMeet
Do you have trouble falling asleep? Divine @ceresfauna will cure your insomnia with her crystal voice🌿 📅3 PM PST | 7 AM JST 🎥 youtu.be/INUYO8-RKuE #CeresFauna #hololiveEN #holoCouncil #ASMR
BIG NEWS!! We are pleased to announce that Fauna (@ceresfauna) will reveal her new outfit this weekend! Set your alarm and don't miss it!🌿 📅Dec 10th, 4 PM PST | 9 AM JST (+1Day) #CeresFauna #holoCouncil #hololiveEN
Get ready to watch @ceresfauna’s new outfit reveal stream! It will start in 2 hours!🌿🎀 📅4 PM PST | 9 AM JST 📺youtu.be/-9qaEobN5-8 #CeresFauna #holoCouncil #hololiveEN #FaunasFashion
How did you like #CeresFauna's new outfit?🌿🎀 The special celebration item "Fauna's Hand Towel" is now available for preorder!! 🛒shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/ce… Don't miss this chance to get a matching hand towel with @ceresfauna! #holoCouncil #hololiveEN
沢山の反応を頂きましてありがとうございます、精進します🙇‍♂️ #hololive #FineFaunart #CeresFauna twitter.com/Rainshower0705…