NY #カーネギーホール でのコンサートが 米国各地で放映中! Please check it out! May 31 at 9pm & June 1 at 2am @wttw "Playing this weekend in #Chicago on WTTW Prime TV #Yoshiki Live at #CarnegieHall #PBS Special! schedule.wttw.com/episodes/48373…
Please check it out! May 31 at 9pm & June 1 at 2am schedule.wttw.com/episodes/48373… @wttw "Playing this weekend in Chicago on WTTW Prime TV May 31 at 9pm & June 1 at 2am #Yoshiki Live at #CarnegieHall #PBS Special! *more airdates: yoshiki.net/classical.html
FYI !! #Yoshiki: Live At #CarnegieHall Airs Friday, May 29, 2020 at 9 p.m. on KPBS 2 @KPBSnews kpbs.org/news/2020/may/…
Please watch the show! RT@Yoshiki_Staff Playing this weekend in America! #Yoshiki Live at #CarnegieHall #PBS Special! #SaltLakeCity | KUED | May 24 at 4pm #WashingtonDC | WHUT | May 24 at 11pm *more airdates: yoshiki.net/classical.html YouTube trailer youtu.be/X57P_rbbWTs
I played this song at #YOSHIKI Live at #CarnegieHall. It’ll air on #PBS TV across the US soon. #MoonlightSonata 米国で、このカーネギーホールのTV放送が、続々と決まり始めた🥺 Thanx instagram.com/p/B_2Ah3cAcDV/ "Just announced. More cities added across the USA yoshiki.net/classical.html
米TV局放映開始! Watch #YOSHIKI at #CarnegieHall #PBS Special TV Playing in US! New airdates added. Boise ID 4/25 & 26 Indianapolis IN 5/2 Seattle WA 5/7 Anchorage AK 5/8 Columbus OH 5/10 Washington DC 5/24 San Diego CA 5/29 Chicago IL 5/31 & 6/1 yoshiki.net/classical.html
Please watch! New USA airdates announced for #YOSHIKI Live at #CarnegieHall #PBS Special! Boise, ID 4/25 & 26 Indianapolis, IN 5/2 Seattle, WA 5/7 Anchorage, AK 5/8 Columbus, OH 5/10 Washington, DC 5/24 San Diego, CA 5/29 Chicago, IL 5/31 & 6/1 yoshiki.net/classical.html
米TVネットワーク、追加放映決定! @PBS TV Special Fairbanks, AK | KUAC | Mar. 19, 2020 at 10pm Lincoln, NE | NET | Mar. 26, 2020 at 10pm New airdates added and more major U.S. cities coming soon #YOSHIKI LIVE at #CarnegieHall #nowplaying across America youtube.com/watch?v=X57P_r…
米国 ニューヨークで放映中。 Playing in New York NOW. RT@Yoshiki_Staff #WNET TV (All Arts Channel) February. 4 (Tue) at 9am, 2pm, 7pm February. 7 (Fri) at 6am, 11am, 4pm #Yoshiki #CarnegieHall #PBS @PBS #NewYorkCity #YoshikiClassical @ThirteenWNET @AllArtsTV
#HappyHolidays & #HappyNewYear! "#Yoshiki Live At #CarnegieHall Special is NOW ON AMERICAN TV! #NewYork TONIGHT! Dec 29 11:00pm #WNYE !   年末から新年にかけて全米で放送決定、今夜はニューヨークのTVで! "A Smash Hit For The Holidays on @PBS More info bit.ly/36j01pX
NOW ON AMERICAN TV! #NewYork TONIGHT!! December 29 11:00pm WNYE   年末から新年にかけて全米で放送決定、今夜はニューヨークのTVで! "#Yoshiki Live At #CarnegieHall Classical Music Special A Smash Hit For The Holidays On @PBS bit.ly/36j01pX instagram.com/p/B6rRTYFgQ6S/
Thank you! "大晦日に向けて全米で放送決定” "#Yoshiki's Classical Music Special Smash Hit for the Holidays @PBS...Enormous reaction from fans of #classical and #rock" #LosAngeles (Dec. 21) #NewYork (Dec. 29) +14 cities for New Year's #CarnegieHall Info→ youtube.com/watch?v=X57P_r…
Check out my #CarnegieHall performance on #PBS stations across the U.S. November 2019~ #YOSHIKI 特番「カーネギーホールコンサート」11月から全米最大の TV ネットワークで放送決定 Air dates -- yoshiki.net/classical.html youtube.com/watch?v=X57P_r…