Journalists assaulted and chased away by terrorist Trump loyalists; they are now destroying their equipment while chanting, "Fuck Fake News". #DCProtests #Capitol #CapitolHill (📹@FordFischer)
Images of the confederate flag, a symbol for treason and white supremacy, flown freely by Trump loyalists inside the U.S. Senate. #CapitolBuilding #CapitolHill #DCProtests
Trump loyalist with a Confederate flag beaten and arrested by police at the Capitol, without a glimmer of irony shouts, "You're all traitors". #CapitolBuilding #CapitolHill (📹@aletweetsnews)
Remember if you see social media posts admitting to involvement in the #CapitolBuilding attack use web.archive.org to record them. Posts added to the Wayback machine are permissible in court. #CapitolRiots #CapitolHill Shot / Chaser
Update: 68 suspected terrorists arrested; 60 males and 8 females, only one of the suspects is actually from D.C. Police and FBI hunting for more suspects, pledge to arrest everyone. #CapitolBuilding #CapitolHill #CapitolRiots
Canada looking at declaring Proud Boys a terrorist organization in wake of the attack on the U.S. Capitol. #CapitolBuilding #CapitolHill Report: ctvnews.ca/politics/feds-…
FYI: Antifa and Anons worldwide are now doxxing Trump loyalists that organized and participated in the #CapitolBuilding takeover. Refusing to wear masks is going to backfire in more ways than one, apparently. Let's gooo 🤠 🎣#OSINT #CapitolHill #DCProtests
Report from the Capitol Hill attack Wednesday, from @itvnews. #CapitolHill #CapitolBuilding #capitolbreach
Update: Speaker Pelosi has received the resignation of the U.S. House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, calls for the resignation of Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund after his staff’s failed handling of the #CapitolBuilding attack. #CapitolRiots #CapitolHill
A group of Trump Loyalists mockingly chant, "USA USA USA" on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. They are emboldened by the attack on the #CapitolBuilding and the U.S. authorities failed response. #DCRIOTS #CapitolHill (📹@BGOnTheScene)
一位阿尔巴尼亚朋友,国会山多次相遇,手势和声音支持新中国联邦和消灭中共 #国会山CCP真相宣传 #FreeMilesGuo #CapitolHill #FreeYvetteWang #TakeDowntheCCP #Weaponization #himalayadc
【国会山自发真相宣传,揭露中共】 DC农场的清脆风铃(虎子哥战友太太),419连线大直播: 关于GTV投资这个事情,我们是商量好的,我们都是自愿投资的。文贵先生没有骗我们钱! 七哥,信就对了;共产党,干就完了! #FreeMilesGuo #CapitolHill
5/3/2023 Fellow fighter Dan Wang made a powerful speech that the Chinese should cut themselves off from the CCP for their own sake and for their next generation. 曾经战友一段铿锵有力的开场白,华裔为了自己和下一代,都应该与中共切割。公司裁员针对华人! #FreeMilesGuo #CapitolHilltwitter.com/i/web/status/1…