California, you could flip Congress today!
If you’re in CA & not registered, don’t worry: CA has same-day registration! Text WHERECA to 90975 for your polling place & vote by provisional ballot—it’ll count.
Tell me your stories tagged #votingstoryformisha & #CaliforniaCounts!
4 Days Left! Here's your homework, guys (pick 2+):
- Phonebank from home: cacounts.org/phonebank
- Attend a Phonebank: cacounts.org/attend
- Confirm your polling place: vote.org/polling-place-…
- Vote early: vote.org/early-voting-c…
Help us #VOTEThemOut! #CaliforniaCounts
Thanks for coming to the @CourageCampaign conference call with me! Please make sure to sign up & make calls to get out the vote. Together, we can take this election by storm! cacounts.org
#MishaConferenceCall #CaliforniaCounts
Join the call room now - we only have room for 100 more people to join! We’re strategizing about what we can do to help voter turn out in the midterms!
#CaliforniaCounts #MishaConferenceCall
Hop on a conference call with me. It’s happening in just a few minutes (at 12 PM PT)!
Go here & let’s strategize about the midterms:
If you have any questions for me about getting out the vote, ask them here before the call tagged #MishaConferenceCall. Thanks!
#CaliforniaCounts twitter.com/mishacollins/s…
Hey, guys! I’m hosting a conference call in a couple of hours (at 12 PM PT). Join me so we can strategize about how to rally voters for the midterms. It’s go time!
I’ll be co-hosting a conference call tomorrow at 12 PM PT with @CourageCampaign! Join me on the call so we can strategize about maximizing voter turnout. (You don’t have to be in CA to attend.) Be there!
Emergency call @ 6 PT/9 ET TONIGHT! Join Martin Sheen & @chelseahandler on @CourageCampaign's conference call to learn how YOU can restore the balance of power in Washington! myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/reg… #CaliforniaCounts
I'll be speaking on tomorrow’s call.This is our moment, guys!
Want a govt. that represents us all? Invest in the future—do some phone banking. CA could flip Congress blue & restore power to the people!
Host a phone bank: cacounts.org/host
Attend: cacounts.org/attend
Phone bank online: cacounts.org/phonebank
California, your voter registration deadline is tomorrow!
If you're not registered to vote, GO DO IT RIGHT NOW. (And if you're not in CA, RT this for the people who are.)
#CaliforniaCounts #VOTE
Could you do me a favor? Sign up for this. It'll only take you about 2 minutes, & it could change the world: cacounts.org/phonebank
Thanks, guys. #CaliforniaCounts
Hey CA! There's less than 1 WEEK left to register to vote! We need every voter at the polls if we're going to flip the House blue-—so if you're not registered, do it now! registertovote.ca.gov
I'll wait here. Let me know when you're registered. I worry. #CaliforniaCounts
Guys, it’s almost zero hour. We are getting desperately close to Election Day. Want to play telephone with me to help save the United States?