[TV anime “Chainsaw Man”] At an upcoming event, Crunchyroll Expo 2022, the CEO of MAPPA, Manabu OTSUKA, and the Executive Director, Makoto KIMURA, are going to be on stage at 1P.M. on Aug. 7th!! We’re honored to be invited and looking forward seeing you at #CRX2022twitter.com/crunchyrollexp…
Crunchyroll Expo(#CRX2022 ) 2日連続の満員御礼!アメリカの皆さんとの出会いに感謝します!また必ず帰ってきます! Two full days in a row! Thanks for coming out to see us in America! We will be back for sure! 【♪FLY HIGH!! In 🇺🇸】
満員御礼!Crunchyroll Expo(#CRX2022 ) 〈Day.2〉ライブ終了!燃えつきMAXライブ明日もお届けします‼️ Day 2 of Crunchyroll Expo teaser Concert ended without a hitch! Full house, thank you all for coming!👍🔥 Will be back tomorrow with another blazing live show! 🤟🤟Stay tuned🤟🤟
北米最大級のアニメフェスCrunchyroll Expo 2022 (#CRX2022)に出演します。しかもHeadliner(=主役)ですって。光栄。8月渡米してきます。BURNOUT SYNDROMES、今年の夏はスゲーぞ。 Thank you, Crunchyroll Expo 2022! I'll show you our best performance. Let’s meet up this August in San Jose!
If you are attending Crunchyroll EXPO this year, don't miss out on the WORLD PREMIERE of #mobpsycho100 III ep.1 and 2 happening on Friday 5, 6:15PM!!! You will also get a chance to meet Masahiko Minami, president of BONES studio at the panel too!!! #CRX2022 twitter.com/Crunchyroll/st…
今週末「Crunchyroll Expo」出演です!アメリカ行ってきます🇺🇸 #CRX2022 twitter.com/crunchyrollexp…
【アメリカライブ決定🇺🇸】 Crunchyroll Expo 2022 (#CRX2022)に出演決定しました!今年8月に現地(アメリカ・サンノゼ)で演奏させていただきます!! We will be performing at Crunchyroll Expo 2022! Let’s meet up this August in San Jose, USA! crunchyrollexpo.com #BURNOUTSYNDROMES twitter.com/crunchyrollexp…
Thank you for watching our live on #CRX2022 ! We appreciate all fans,staffs for CruncyRoll Expo and #sheldhero ! We'll come back America soon! Thank you so much! 日本で待っているアクセルの皆さん、いつもありがとうございます!無事にステージ終了しました✨少しだけ映像をご覧下さい🛡