We hope you're enjoying #SFVCE and thank you for all the support!A netcode adjustment has been made to the game and is available now for all players.We ask that you send your feedback to @SFVServer. Please enjoy and look forward to #CPT2020 #SFL2020 #IntelWorldOpen starting soon!
I've got something important to tell you. Please read this attach. #SFV #CPT2020
COVID19 had world impact. Of course it will have an impact on #CPT2020 FGC’s event too. We’re not sure about CPT schedule yet. We’re considering various ideas. I hope that you and your family will be healthy.
Hi World Warriors! I'm sure you're having a hard time. Let's get through this phase together. We'll be making preparation about announcement of Capcom Pro Tour 2020 and Capcom CUP. Please wait tomorrow. Thank you all your support! #CPT2020 #CapcomCUP2020 #SFV
#CPT2020 アジア・東1」にてウメハラ(@daigothebeastJP)がWinners Bracketで順調に勝ち続け優勝を決めました!!!!!!!! 応援ありがとうございました!🥰
#CPT2020 オンラインは梅原さん率いるチームビーストの決勝になり惜しくも2位になりました… 妻の応援があたたかくここまで来れました。10月の大会は絶対に優勝します、勝ちをプレゼントしたいんや