It's an honor to support. Praying for everyone's health. RT@RecordingAcad We're thankful for the contributions made to our foundation's @MusiCares #COVID19 Relief Fund by the @michaeljackson Estate @aliciakeys,@SheIsTheMusic,and @YoshikiOfficial ,and many more.#MusiCaresForUs twitter.com/RecordingAcad/…
Dr. Fauci lied. DAPRA didn’t funded Gain-of-Function in 🇨🇳. Fauci must tell what he knew about coronavirus work NIH funded in WIV via EcoHealth 👉🏻Q: What else CCP has done using NIH 💰 in GOF? What happened to #COVID19? It’s from 🇨🇳 labs, is it weaponized? youtu.be/_zgoENmeddA
コロナワクチン2回目接種後 副反応が予想より辛いと思ったので必要な物事、足りない部分もありますが これから接種される方の何か参考になればと思い書き留めました。 #COVID19 #コロナワクチン
Team #RRRMovie joined senior Dr Shankar Prasad garu to discuss #COVID19 in this elaborate session. Watch to have your concerns, confusions and doubts clarified here! Check out... instagram.com/ssrajamouli/gu…
FYI "#COVID19 crash: How China’s economy may offer a glimpse of the future @wef weforum.org/agenda/2020/03…
Ramadan starts in ten days. Israeli Muslims are normally out shopping as the holy month approaches. But all Israelis are staying home due to #COVID19 restrictions. The IDF is delivering food and supplies to Muslim families across the country. We're looking out for everyone.
Proud to work with @GavinNewsom & partners to help bridge the digital divide in our home state. We’re providing 4,000 Chromebooks to California students in greatest need & free wifi to 100,000 rural households during the #COVID19 crisis to make distance learning more accessible.
Health care workers: If you need PPE, fill this out! Thank you, @HarborFreight, for stepping up to help with the #COVID19 crisis. bit.ly/HarborFreightP… twitter.com/HarborFreight/…
#US: Scenes from Dallas, Texas where thousands of people wait in line to collect food. The same scene repeats across the United States as #COVID19 and bad government have collapse large swaths of the country.
The government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 are deeply grateful for #Japan's🇯🇵 donation of 1.24 million #Vaccine doses announced by @moteging. The heartwarming gesture spotlights the special friendship shared by both sides & a joint commitment to combating #COVID19. (📸 @MofaJapan_jp)
“WHO warned next pandemic could be on the scale of The Black Death; Prof Woolhouse says something more major could be on the horizon” - WITHOUT accountability of intentional release of weaponized #COVID19 🦠 & misinformation by CCP, we will NEVER be safe! dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
新着記事:全量回収のアベノマスク、3月頭時点ですでに政府・経産省が要請しミャンマーで生産開始していたと判明 buzzap.jp/news/20200424-… #COVID19 #アベノマスク
「暇になり昼からビール」「夫が会社を休み、朝から飲酒」。依存症のケア団体に相談が急増しています。外出制限や休業のストレスが一因。「オンライン断酒会」の取り組みも出ています。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 s.nikkei.com/3eZfEHs
Let’s spread awareness about #COVID19 and Vaccination. 🙌🏻 Be cautious. Stay safe! 🙏🏻
Starting May 29 @YouTube will be hosting a 10-day digital film festival co-curated by over 20 international film festivals to help raise funds for #COVID19 relief efforts. All programming will be free to audiences around the world. #WeAreOne youtube.com/WeAreOne
伊藤忠は国内で働く社員の半数を7月20日から在宅勤務に切り替えます。緊急事態宣言解除後は原則出社にしてきましたが、新型コロナ感染者数が再び急増していることに対応します。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3fyqqo9
塩野義製薬が新型コロナの軽症者など向けの飲み薬タイプの新薬候補について治験を開始。2021年内に国内100万人分の生産体制に。開発中のワクチンも22年3月末までの実用化を目指します。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 s.nikkei.com/3zmePTe
【速報】新型コロナ きょう全国で9000人超の感染を確認 過去最多を更新 #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19
Wow! Why did Porf. Kristian Andersen @K_G_Andersen outburst on Elon @elonmusk? As a US expert who promotes nature-origin of #COVID19 since Feb 2020, Andersen has got $millions of grants from Dr. Fauci during the pandemic. He also lied to media to smear me and lab-origin evidence!
米モデルナはコロナワクチンの治験で抗体獲得ができたと発表。数千人規模で最終治験し7月に最初の出荷を見込みます。有効なワクチンの早期開発に懐疑的な声もある中、経済再開の後押しが期待されます。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 s.nikkei.com/2WFqo6W
As the number of #COVID19 cases across the country increase, it's imperative that we exercise caution and make people around us aware. Stay at home and stay safe. We can go past this crisis with patience, not panic. #StayHomeStaySafe #IndiaFightsCarona
【速報】5000人超の #大規模イベント緩和 を延期、政府は8月1日に予定していたプロスポーツなどイベントの #入場者数 の制限緩和について延期を決定した。今後1か月程度、#感染状況 を分析して再度緩和を議論する。 #新型コロナウイルス #COVID19
王子HDがマスクと、医療用ガウン向け不織布の生産を始めます。新型コロナによる不足に対応し、それぞれグループ会社の香川、愛知の工場を活用。初の完全自社生産となるマスクは月200万枚を手掛けます。 #新型コロナ #COVID19 #緊急事態宣言 s.nikkei.com/2Sm4FP1
⚠️Il faut dire qu'il ne se passe quasiment plus de jours sans que l'on ne prenne connaissance d'études médicales ▪️relativisant l'efficacité réelle des injections ARNm contre le #COVID19 ▪️ou confirmant au contraire la multiplication inquiétante de leurs effets secondaires nocifs