‼️1st AI-based video on truth of #COVID19 origin is produced by @TakeDownTheCCP base on contexts by chatGPT! It clarifies the top elements in the origin investigation: 1. 🇨🇳military lab-made 2. Real backbone of COVID19🦠 is ZHOUSHAN 🦇🦠 3. Animal passage youtu.be/OkwtGlNHbr8
For people who don’t have BSL3 or BSL-4 lab experience on coronavirus, it’s easy to accept “accidental lab leak” I worked in the BSL-3 lab in the WHO reference lab at HKU using #COVID19 virus. It’s impossible to cause Wuhan outbreak and the pandemic “accidentally” Ask Xi Jinping! twitter.com/FoxNews/status…
@RepAndyBiggsAZ I sincerely appreciate that @RepAndyBiggsAZ has made huge efforts, pursuing the truth of #COVID19 origin for people. Rep Biggs was among the first legislators in the House to push the investigation of #COVID19 origin forward!
@RepAndyBiggsAZ I sincerely appreciate that @RepAndyBiggsAZ has made huge efforts, pursuing the truth of #COVID19 origin for people. Rep Biggs was among the first legislators in the House to push the investigation of #COVID19 origin forward!
I sincerely appreciate that @RepAndyBiggsAZ has made huge efforts, pursuing the truth of #COVID19 origin for people. Rep Biggs was among the first legislators in the House to push the investigation of #COVID19 origin forward! twitter.com/RepAndyBiggsAZ…
I sincerely appreciate that @RepAndyBiggsAZ has made huge efforts, pursuing the truth of #COVID19 origin for people. Rep Biggs was among the first legislators in the House to push the investigation of #COVID19 origin forward! twitter.com/RepAndyBiggsAZ…
3-3) On @OANN with @AddisonSmithOAN • CCP’s lab-origin is vindicated. But still a long way to go. • CCP-PLA scientists deeply involving in #COVID19 control many labs in 🇺🇸, spending 🇺🇸 fundings to harm 🇺🇸. • Lots of smoking gun evidence in The Yan Reports (see my pinned tweet) twitter.com/nuomt/status/1…
3-2) On @OANN with @AddisonSmithOAN • If there is “a consensus” that #COVID19 🦠 wasn’t a result of CCP’s bioweapon program, please show the evidence. If not, I advocate for an open live debate! • @WHO is deeply influenced by CCP. I spoke out because I knew WHO lied with CCP! twitter.com/nuomt/status/1…
3-1) My interview on @OANN with @AddisonSmithOAN • 🇨🇳 lab-origin of #COVID19 is confirmed on MSM • CCP failed to manipulate public opinions in information war to beat 🇺🇸 • CCP’s same tactics on #ChineseSpyBalloon and 🦠 - “for civil study”, “accident”, “not for military” 🤡 twitter.com/nuomt/status/1…
Now we just reached the first step that the virus was from 🇨🇳 lab. We must pursue the truth of #COVID19 origin. We need to keep going on! - With @TuckerCarlson As I said on @FoxNews 3 years ago - Everyone deserves the truth! With Chinese subtitles @nuomt twitter.com/DrLiMengYAN1/s…
Now we just reached the first step that the virus was from 🇨🇳 lab. We must pursue the truth of #COVID19 origin. We need to keep going on! - With @TuckerCarlson As I said on @FoxNews 3 years ago - Everyone deserves the truth! With Chinese subtitles @nuomt
Here is my article on Nature magazine in May, 2020. As a co-first author, we are the first to test the high transmissibility and pathogenicity of #COVID19 virus, using the correct animal model Golden Hamster. CCP & PLA underestimated the transmissibility! nature.com/articles/s4158…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep26 •Dr. He Jiankui created the world first gene-edited babies in 🇨🇳 in 2018 •CCP gave He a new lab •Like #COVID19 virus, Xi regime won’t give up any chance to abuse advanced technology to impair the people and strengthen the power americaoutloud.com/a-dangerous-co…
#COVID19 による入院は英国で再び急増。4週間連続で上昇し、4週間前より60%の増加。すべての年齢層で増加。子供たちのことを考えましょう。 #CovidIsNotOver #パンデミックはまだ収束していません twitter.com/DrEricDing/sta…
A "Bug" in the #Chinese #Textbook A Chinese boy found that a textbook published in 2019 "predicts" the #COVID19 outbreak in 2020... #COVID #CCPVirus #covid19
Just did my interview on TuckerCarlsonTonight on CCP’s lab origin of #COVID19 @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews •I worked in BSL-3 lab with COVID-19 🦠. It’s impossible to cause such pandemic via an accidental lab leak. •We must investigate why 🦠 was internally released in Wuhan by CCP!
It’s great to overturn nature-origin of #COVID19 after 3 years. But how could “a lab leak” cause millions deaths in the historical pandemic with Xi Jinping’s celebration? Why are CCP-PLA scientists still controlling the labs in 🇺🇸 with NIH grants? … Shouldn’t it be investigated? twitter.com/HouseForeignGO…
When meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Wang Yi noted, with #COVID19 under control, China's economic prospects are increasingly promising. China will continue to serve as a main engine for #worldeconomy and bring new opportunities for China-Italy cooperation.
@CodeMonkeyZ @xerxeswatkins @tiresumcash @elonmusk My first account @LiMengYAN119 was suspended for no reason in Sep, 2020. I had 60k followers within 2 days, and got suspended within 40 hrs after I shared the link of the first Yan Report on CCP-lab-origin of #COVID19. Please recover it! 🙏🏻 newsweek.com/twitter-suspen…
2-2 My interview on #ChineseSpyBalloon • According to our sources, many advanced technologies applied on the 🎈are stolen from 🇺🇸 (e.g.Duke University) by CCP • Like #COVID19 🦠 , 🎈is also CCP’s unrestricted tactic • What kind of information in the 🎈making CCP-Xi so nervous? twitter.com/nuomt/status/1…
☣️ロシア軍放射線・化学・生物学防護部隊長イーゴリ・キリロフ中将は記者会見で、🇺🇦ウクライナにある生物学研究所における🇺🇸米国の活動について語り、特殊軍事作戦の期間中に🇷🇺軍がウクライナにおける米国の軍事生物学プログラムに関する2万点を超える文書や資料を入手したことを明らかに⬇️ #COVID19⬇️
The Voice of Dr. Yan Considering the weaponized nature of the #COVID19 🦠 and the damage in the pandemic, it’s necessary to strengthen the regulation of the manipulation of COVID19 🦠 & establish corresponding punitive measures & accountability mechanisms. americaoutloud.com/pfizers-plan-o…
The Voice of Dr. Yan Ep21 • No one should be injured or killed by #COVID19. The 🦠 wouldn’t exist in the 🌎 if CCP hadn’t weaponized it in the labs • According to Military Service Law, the potential capacity of PLA could reach to 890M people if necessary americaoutloud.com/emperor-xi-is-…