✨RT the image of the artist you're supporting and promote them!✨ ✨가장 응원하는 아티스트 이미지를 RT로 홍보해주세요!✨ #슈퍼주니어 #SUPERJUNIOR @SJofficial #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA #Mubeat #뮤빗
✨RT the image of the artist you're supporting and promote them!✨ ✨가장 응원하는 아티스트 이미지를 RT로 홍보해주세요!✨ #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17 #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA #Mubeat #뮤빗
✨RT the image of the artist you're supporting and promote them!✨ ✨가장 응원하는 아티스트 이미지를 RT로 홍보해주세요!✨ #강다니엘 #KANGDANIEL @konnect_danielk #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA #Mubeat #뮤빗
🏆#MubeatGlobalChoiceAwards (with. CIRCLE CHART MUSIC AWARDS 2022)🏆 🍀We're here at the Final Round🍀 Which artist will become the grand winner⁉️ 📍 Final Round ✔ 1/31 12:00 (KST) - 2/13 20:00 (KST) ✔ mubeat.page.link/CIRCLE2022 #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA #Mubeat #뮤빗
[🗳] #써클차트 뮤직 어워즈 2022 투표 안내 🏆투표 기간 ~ 230214(화) 23:59PM 🏆투표 방법 ➫ 써클차트 뮤직 어워즈 2022 공식 투표 페이지 접속 후 로그인 ➫ 글로벌 아티스트상 / 뉴스타상 부문 'NMIXX' 투표 bit.ly/3Wq8TD6 #NMIXX #엔믹스 #CIRCLECHART
📢 뮤빗 글로벌 초이스상 2차 투표 남자 부문 📢 Mubeat Global Choice Awards Round 2 (Male) 🔗 mubeat.page.link/t5kk 📢 뮤빗 글로벌 초이스상 2차 투표 여자 부문 📢 Mubeat Global Choice Awards Round 2 (Female) 🔗 mubeat.page.link/c63D #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA #Mubeat #뮤빗
🏆#MubeatGlobalChoiceAwards (with. CIRCLE CHART MUSIC AWARDS 2022)🏆 📣Round 2 is OPEN! The top 10 artists will advance to the final round🍀 Don't give up💪 📍Round 2 ✔ 1/17 12:00 (KST) - 1/30 20:00 (KST) 🔗 mubeat.page.link/CIRCLE2022 #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA #Mubeat #뮤빗
📢 Mubeat Global Choice Awards Round 1 (Male) 📢 뮤빗 글로벌 초이스상 1차 투표 남자 부문 🔗 mubeat.page.link/ZHfT 📢 Mubeat Global Choice Awards Round 1 (Female) 📢 뮤빗 글로벌 초이스상 1차 투표 여자 부문 🔗 mubeat.page.link/cCbr #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA #Mubeat
🏆#MubeatGlobalChoiceAwards (with. CIRCLE CHART MUSIC AWARDS 2022)🏆 Round 1 starts now! Ready to show global fandoms' love?🔥 📌Round 1 ✔ 1/3 12:00 (KST) - 1/16 20:00 (KST) 🔗 mubeat.page.link/CIRCLE2022 📌Update #Mubeat to the latest version! #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA
#Mubeat Global Choice Awards with CIRCLE CHART MUSIC AWARDS 2022🏆 Spread the word to your fandom & receive our gift! ☑️ Follow Mubeat's Twitter + RT this post💜 🗓 12/21~1/2 (KST) *DM will be sent to the winners Check out the image below🔻 #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA
#Mubeat Global Choice Awards with CIRCLE CHART MUSIC AWARDS 2022🏆 🗳Voting tickets can now be obtained 🗳 💪Come to Mubeat to collect voting tickets💪 🔗 mubeat.page.link/CIRCLE2022 #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA
#Mubeat Global Choice Awards with CIRCLE CHART MUSIC AWARDS 2022 COMING SOON [Round 1] 23. 01. 03. 12PM (KST) 🗳Only CIRCLE Voting Tickets allowed 🎟Voting tickets can be obtained from Dec. 20th 12PM (KST) on Mubeat *Further notices to come soon #CCMA #CIRCLECHART #CIRCLEMCA