#CHUANG2021 Debut Night 飞行嘉宾 Debut Witness #R1SE April 24th, See U on #WeTV #CHUANG2021Final #CHUANG2021xR1SE #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
Trailer #CHUANG2021_DebutNight 🔥 Preview of Solo and Group Stages! #CHUANG2021Final See U on April 24th Red carpet at 6pm, live show performance at 7pm (GMT+8) #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
#創造営2021 デビュー決まりの夜❣️ 創造営OG #硬糖少女303 ChuangSenior #BonBonGirls ⏰4/24(土)にお会いしましょう! #WeTVJapan #Chuang2021 #プデュ #CHUANG2021Final #希林娜依·高 #赵粤 #王艺瑾 #陈卓璇 #郑乃馨 #เนเน่ #刘些宁 #张艺凡 🙋‍♀️視聴wetv.info/StreamingNow
#CHUANG2021 데뷔의 밤 데뷔조 인증단 #王嘉尔 Debut Witness #JacksonWang 4월 26일 #WeTV 에서 만나자! #창조영2021 #CHUANG2021Final #CHUANG2021xJacksonWang #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍투표: lihi1.com/Lgtxt 📍WeTV: wetv.info/StreamingNow
The Latest Ranking of #CHUANG2021 [ Up to April 21th, 6PM (GMT+8) ] Only 3 days left before #CHUANG2021Final The last Round of voting is still open 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote #LiuYu #RikiMaru #Mika #Santa #BoYuan #LinMo #Nine #Caelan #ZhouKeyu #ZhangJiayuan #Oscar
Our trainees have been practicing hard to bring you wonderful stages💦 #CHUANG2021Final See U on April 24th 📌Red Carpet at 6PM, Live Show Performance at 7PM (GMT+8) #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
Trainees show you how to do the fanchant to #CHUANG2021Final performances >>Be Mine >>定义 Definition >>少年的模样 We are the youth, we are the future #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
#CHUANG2021Final 💥RESERVE NOW💥 👉MainCam & StudioCam TH Studio Cam JP Studio Cam App: bit.ly/3gwggI6 Web: bit.ly/2QGuXgJ 👉VIP Cam Stand-by Stage Cam Trainees Focus Cam App: bit.ly/3ekn74F Web: bit.ly/32Pq87P #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV
Trainees are trying their best for the Debut Night. What kind of surprises will they bring to us? #CHUANG2021Final See U on April 24th 📌Live starts at 6PM Red Carpet 6PM, Performance 7PM (GMT+8) #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
#CHUANG2021 Debut Night 成团见证鹅 Debut Witness HaiXingE #CHUANG2021Final See U on #WeTV TOMORROW 📌Live starts at 6PM Red carpet · 6pm, Performance · 7pm (GMT+8) #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
Teaser of the stages~ Trainees practice over and over again just to present the most perfect stages #CHUANG2021Final See U on #WeTV TOMORROW 📌Live starts at 6PM #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
The Latest Ranking of #CHUANG2021 [ Up to April 23th, 12PM (GMT+8) ] Only 1 day left before #CHUANG2021Final The last Round of voting is still open! Plz take the chance📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021
#CHUANG2021 Debut Night Backstage Talks starts at 6:45PM (GMT+8) on #WeTV Japan~ Welcome trainee #Yuya #Ryo, and @WeTVJapan P.R #KanakoYasuda #CHUANG2021Final See U TOMORROW #都築雄哉 #原部凌 #安田加奈子 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
#CHUANG2021 Theme Song is back🔥 The solo stage rehearsal is on the spot. Vocal, dancer, rapper... The Debut Night will live up to expectations💥 #CHUANG2021Final See U on #WeTV TMR 📌Live starts at 6PM #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
After the days of waiting, The Debut Night is coming. Are you ready for burning stages and to witness the boys' growth? 🔥 #CHUANG2021Final See U TONIGHT on #WeTV 📌Live starts at 6PM #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📍bit.ly/Chuang2021 📍bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
#CHUANG2021 Theme Song is back❗️ Solo stage rehearsal is on the spot…the Debut Night will definitely live up to your expectations! #CHUANG2021Final 📌Live starts at 6PM(GMT+8) #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📌RESERVE NOW MainCam App: bit.ly/3gwggI6 Web: bit.ly/2QGuXgJ
#CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021Final RESERVE NOW❗️ 📍MainCam NO.1 MainCam NO.2 : THStudioCam MainCam NO.3 : JPStudioCam App: bit.ly/3gwggI6 Web: bit.ly/2QGuXgJ 📍VIPOnly Stand-by Stage Cam Trainees Focus Cam App: bit.ly/3ekn74F Web: bit.ly/32Pq87P
The adventure is about to end. Trainees all try their best to leave no regrets. Just wait for them to SHINE 📌#CHUANG2021Final • 6PM(GMT+8) #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📌MainCam RESERVE App bit.ly/3gwggI6 Web bit.ly/2QGuXgJ 📌bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
[Call For the Debut Night] Cheers for Trainees #RikiMaru #Santa Tonight, Let's Chuang To-Gather 📌#CHUANG2021Final • 6PM(GMT+8) #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📌MainCam RESERVE App bit.ly/3gwggI6 Web bit.ly/2QGuXgJ 📌bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
[Call For the Debut Night] Cheers for Trainees #Amu #Lelush Tonight, Let's Chuang To-Gather 📌#CHUANG2021Final • 6PM(GMT+8) #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📌MainCam RESERVE App bit.ly/3gwggI6 Web bit.ly/2QGuXgJ 📌bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
[Call For the Debut Night] Cheers for Trainee #Oscar Tonight, Let's Chuang To-Gather 📌#CHUANG2021Final • 6PM(GMT+8) #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📌MainCam RESERVE App bit.ly/3gwggI6 Web bit.ly/2QGuXgJ 📌bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote
[Call For the Debut Night] Cheers for Trainee #BoYuan Tonight, Let's Chuang To-Gather 📌#CHUANG2021Final • 6PM(GMT+8) #CHUANG2021 #CHUANG2021xWeTV 📌MainCam RESERVE App bit.ly/3gwggI6 Web bit.ly/2QGuXgJ 📌bit.ly/CHUANG2021vote