7月4日成团之夜将在WeTV直播🔥 19: 30后台直播,20:00开始直播总决赛舞台,敬请期待! The final night of July 4th will be live on WeTV! 19:30 Backstage Live 20:00 The Finals Live Stay tuned to WeTV Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020
[Countdown to the final night·Teaser] 《摩登天后》练习画面爆笑,#Nene #刘些宁 高抬腿又打拳 "It's A Bomb" practice gives people a good laugh Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #CHUANG2020Final
[Countdown to the final night·Teaser] 彩排舞台超燃!#赵粤 舞蹈solo #希林娜依高 飙高音 The rehearsal is awesome! Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #CHUANG2020Final
[Countdown to the final night·Teaser] Battle between two teams! #Nene and #LiuXie'ning perform rap; #CurleyGao and #WangYijing easily hit a high pitch Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #CHUANG2020Final
“IN BLOOM 未来,将来” Part 2 尽管走下去,不必逗留着,去采鲜花来保存,因为在这一路上,花自然会继续开放 Keep going, no need to stay, the Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020
时尚先生 x 创造营2020 Esquire x CHUANG2020 IN BLOOM 未来,将来 The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #徐艺洋 #XuYiyang
时尚先生 x 创造营2020 Esquire x CHUANG2020 IN BLOOM 未来,将来 The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #刘些宁 #LiuXiening
时尚先生 x 创造营2020 Esquire x CHUANG2020 IN BLOOM 未来,将来 The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #郑乃馨 #Nene
截至7月1日12:00 学员最新排名如上 Three Days countdown‼️ Last Top Vote Ranking Recorded 12:00,1 July 2020 No.1#赵粤 #ZhaoYue No.2#希林娜依高 #CurleyGao No.3#郑乃馨 #Nene No.4#王艺瑾 #WangYijin No.5#陈卓璇 #ChenZhuoxuan No.6#刘些宁 #LiuXiening No.7#张艺凡 #ZhangYifan #CHUANG2020
[Instagram] Which 7 trainees would form your final group? Comment this post, a present is waiting for you!🎁 Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 Link:bit.ly/3eWQuc4
创造营2020 X 时尚芭莎 Putting on black suits. Show you another side of them. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #刘些宁 #LiuXiening
创造营2020 X 时尚芭莎 Putting on black suits. Show you another side of them. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #徐艺洋 #XuYiyang
创造营2020 X 时尚芭莎 Putting on black suits. Show you another side of them. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #王艺瑾 #WangYijin
创造营2020 X 时尚芭莎 Putting on black suits. Show you another side of them. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #陈卓璇 #ChenZhuoxuan
创造营2020 X 时尚芭莎 Putting on black suits. Show you another side of them. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #赵粤 #ZhaoYue
创造营2020 X 时尚芭莎 Putting on black suits. Show you another side of them. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #希林娜依高 #CurleyGao
创造营2020 X 时尚芭莎 Putting on black suits. Show you another side of them. Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020 #郑乃馨 #Nene
Last Top Vote Ranking Recorded 12:00 PM, 30 June 2020 | 截止6月30日张中午12:00 Four Days countdown! 1.#赵粤 #ZhaoYue 2. #希林娜依高 #CurleyGao 3. #郑乃馨 #Nene 4. #陈卓璇 #ChenZhuoxuan 5. #王艺瑾 #WangYijin 6. #刘些宁 #LiuXiening 7. #徐艺洋 #XuYiyang #CHUANG2020 #创造营2020
#郑奶馨 家长为女儿打call #Nene's parents show great support for their daughters Exclusive on YouTube:bit.ly/chuang2020 Watch <CHUANG 2020> on WeTV:bit.ly/35AdVEw #创造营2020 #CHUANG2020