Caught red handed! The #CCP’s propaganda machine shows image of Vice Premier Sun Chunlan inspecting Menghuajie in #Shanghai to guide #COVID19 control. But the fact is, she just “inspected” a Hollywood style film studio set up at the roof of a building. TV report vs actual scene.
The downgrade over a decade. What does Marxism have to do with physics education for youths? #China #CCP @michaelgwaltz @TimRyan #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
A total of 27 #PLA aircraft intruded into our ADIZ today. The #PRC coercive action is obviously meant to bring #Taiwan to its knees & keep us away from democratic partners. But make no mistake: We'll never bow to #CCP pressure. Never, never, never! JW…
A patient collapsed in a hospital in #CCPChina. Obviously, no doctor came to check on him. Collapsing of the medical system is another consequence of the #CCP's irresponsible "lying flat" policy. #ZeroCOVIDpolicy #COVID19 #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID #ZeroCovid #XiJinping
世纪大勾结:DOJ、CCP、大媒体 联合陷害 郭文贵先生! The Gateway Pundit连发三文💥💥💥 #DOJ #BigMedia #Bloomberg #CCP #FreeMilesGuo #315