Totally agree with @RushanAbbas
We want @mbachelet OUT and someone who believes in #HumanRights and accountability and isn't bought by #CCP IN as @ohchr High Commissioner twitter.com/RushanAbbas/st…
On 4 June, we mark 33rd anniversary of #TiananmenSquareMassacre
In London, there'll be 3 rallies, all of which I have the privilege of speaking at.
I will be:
➡️Opposite @10DowningStreet at 5pm
➡️In #PiccadillyCircus around 5.45pm
➡️Outside #CCP's embassy around 8pm
Join us!
The absurdity as well as the inhumanity of #CCP's treatment of #Uyghurs
Uyghur cop’s daughter serving 10 years in Xinjiang prison for viewing Turkish films rfa.org/english/news/u…
#HongKongers - & all peoples suffering under #China #CCP regime:
As we begin the 33rd anniversary commemoration & mourning of #TiananmenSquareMassacre #June4th, here is my personal message, handwritten by myself in traditional Chinese characters, over 4 pages, for you, from my❤️
Outside the #CCP's embassy in London with a tank, to mark #TiananmenSquareMassacre #TiananmenVigil2022 #June4th
Man who filmed this wedding banquet in Daliang Mountain in #Sichuan province in #CCPChina was summoned by police. Why? Because this video shows that the #CCP & #XiJinping's claim of having lifted Chinese people out of #poverty is a sheer lie. See more in the thread.
We have witnessed bank runs as well as protests in #CCP fascist #China because more than 1 million families lost more than 40 billion RMB ($5,962,229,200 USD) deposits in four Chinese banks. It's time to overthrow the New Nazi Evil Empire China within!!! twitter.com/caijinglengyan…
This is what we should always do to #CCP thugs who threaten our freedoms and harass anyone who criticises #XiJinping's regime
We must stop kowtowing and #FightForFreedom
Good job, Manchester police! 👇 twitter.com/badiucao/statu…
The ridiculous mendacity of #China's #CCP
Hong Kong was not British colony as China retained sovereignty: new textbooks scmp.com/news/hong-kong… via @SCMPNews
#HongKong's new #CCP zombie, quisling, puppet goons and thugs
Who elected them?
Err, that's right, not #HongKongers. They were "selected" by Beijing, to obey #XiJinping's commands
A grim sight.
My new op-ed, about @mbachelet's #China visit
"She did not just kowtow to the brutal #CCP — she fell prostrate and barely raised her head, let alone her voice. Her tongue was licking the boots of #XiJinping's henchmen instead of speaking truth to power"
Shanghai: Shanghai Bank gives 300 number tickets a day. The line starts at 8 am. No ticket, no money. When we see bank runs in the richest city - Shanghai, what will happen to the rest of #CCP fascist #China? twitter.com/1f8PVxouToaU0R…
No, #XiJinping : it's you and your brutal, sordid, criminal, imperialist #CCP regime that have been weaponising economic coercion for too long
It's just that people are beginning to stop kowtowing and are finally starting to stand up
My friend @DrewPavlou once again - tirelessly, persistently, relentlessly, courageously, admirably - speaking out against #CCP's atrocities at an event with #China's #CCP Ambassador in Australia.
And look how #CCP goons behave - as usual, with thuggery 👇 twitter.com/DrewPavlou/sta…
My friend @DrewPavlou once again - tirelessly, persistently, relentlessly, courageously, admirably - speaking out against #CCP's atrocities at an event with #China's #CCP Ambassador in Australia.
And look how #CCP goons behave - as usual, with thuggery 👇 twitter.com/DrewPavlou/sta…
My friend @DrewPavlou once again - tirelessly, persistently, relentlessly, courageously, admirably - speaking out against #CCP's atrocities at an event with #China's #CCP Ambassador in Australia.
And look how #CCP goons behave - as usual, with thuggery 👇 twitter.com/DrewPavlou/sta…
Why have we witnessed bank runs in #CCP fascist #China? Today is in Nanning, Guangxi. The Industrial and Commerical Bank of China branch manager stole ¥250 million RMB ($37.4 million USD) from 28 accounts & got arrested. But ¥120 million RMB ($17.9 million USD) is still missing. twitter.com/1f8PVxouToaU0R…
Two DF-41 ICBM are targeting US( DC & Texas) from Mohe in Heilongjiang Province in #CCPChina. For detailed info and analysis, watch youtu.be/T-yvrRjIUGk
Trajectories drawn out by someone inside the #CCP’s combat command, according to @lude_media