#CCP military vehicles entering #Xuzhou city, #Jiangsu province, #CCPChina. Not sure whether this has anything to do with #ChinaProtest #ChinaUprising #BlankPapersRevolution #A4Revolution in #China. Xu zhou is about 323 miles away from #Shanghai, where protests happened.
1/2 #CCP police received orders to stop pedestrians, esp. university students and check their phones. If "illegal" Apps such as @Twitter(@elonmusk) @YouTube @telegram #TikTok #Potato, #Shadowrocket and #VPN are found, those apps need to be deleted. The person's ID, their parents'
This is something #CCP will fear most: Police siding with the people & arresting a #BigWhite who is trying to lockdown a community in #Beijing. The BigWhite says he comes from the local CDC, police officer says you can't wantonly lock people up. I need to talk to your boss.
“Don’t arrest her! Why do you arrest her?” Crowd shouting while #CCP police arrest a protester in #Hanzhou city #CCPChina tonight #China #ChinaUprising #chinaprotest
This is outrageous. Assaulting and attacking an elderly woman, Grandma Wong, shows the barbarity, brutality, inhumanity and criminality of #HongKong's #CCP thugs. twitter.com/BeWaterHK1842/…
文贵先生: 温哥华美术馆的,这个发自内心的喊声,来自我们中华民族的男性,今天我可以睡个觉了,终于有男人站出来了…… #动态清零 #隔离 #核酸 #习近平 #CCP #新疆 #乌鲁木齐 #郑州 #富士康 #重庆 #广州 #青岛 #湖南 #北大 #北京线下 #南京传媒学院 #上海线下 #乌鲁木齐线下 #大学线下 #共产党下台
“Release them! Release them!” Public surrounding the #Shanghai police department and demanding the #CCP to release the people who were arrested during the protest at #Urumqi Road last night. #CHINAPROTESTS #WHITEPAPERREVOLUTION
#Wuhan tonight. Enough is enough with the #CCP’s suppression!
More and more people are taking to the streets to protest against the #CCP. Tonight, #Wuhan city, #CCPChina
1/2 At #Urumqi in #Shanghai city, a man gave a public speech and encouraged people not to be afraid. “How did those people died? We will all remember, right?” “Yes!” The crowd replied. He was referring to those killed in the #Urumqi’s fire due to #CCP’s #lockdown
This is so far the “hottest” slogan people shout during the nationwide protests against the #CCP’s #ZeroCovid policy: “ #ZeroCovid, f* your mother(literary translation)!”
“Release the people in #Shanghai!” Public in #Beijing gathering demand the #CCP to release the protesters In Shanghai who were arrested yesterday for demanding the CCP and #XiJinping to step down.
“Freedom of expression! Democracy & rule of law!” Students of #Tsinghua University in #Beijing shout out their pursuits as they gathered to join the nationwide protest against #CCP. #XiJinping claims he obtained a doctorate degree here. So ppl call him Primary School Doctorate
Protest also broke out in #Wuhan city, #CCPChina. People have had enough of the #CCP’s inhumane #ZeroCovid policy.
🚨#ThirdChineseRevolution gets international support. People in front of #CCP fascist #China embassy in London, UK, shouted Xi Jinping, step down.🔥Would #Xitler send its Ambassador to UK out attacking those protesters?💥 twitter.com/whyyoutouzhele…
“We want freedom, not #lockdowns! “ “End Cultural Revolution 2.0! “ People shouting as they gathered to protest against the #CCP’s #ZeroCovid policy at Liangma Bridge in #Beijing, #CCPChina
郭文贵先生:曾庆红孟建柱.王岐山。韩正,郭树清终于出手了……这是有组织的,但是他们只是为了权力,交易而已,但愿他们不要牺牲……这些勇敢的同胞.像六四一样……成为别人的牺牲品…… #动态清零 #隔离 #核酸 #习近平 #CCP #新疆 #乌鲁木齐 #郑州 #富士康 #重庆 #北京 #上海 #大学 #共产党下台
Finally, I've seen raw courage everywhere in #CCP fascist #China. This Chinese girl stood with her cell phone recording violence committed by White Guards & riot cops & got beaten by those thugs without saying anything. Powerful image!!! This is #ThirdChineseRevolution!!! twitter.com/hellojixian/st…
Such courage. Such truth. The people of #China want freedom and democracy. They don't want #XiJinping #CCP lies, barbarity, brutality, mendacity, criminality and inhumanity any more. twitter.com/GFWfrog/status…
“Traitor #XiJinping! #XiJinping, step down! Dictatorial Government, step down! F*ck…” Crowds shouting while they gathered at #Urumqi Road in #Shanghai city today to protest against the #CCP’s #ZeroCovid #lockdown.
“End the #lockdown!” Crowd shouting at King Pingxi's Palace in #Beijing. #Covid #ZeroCovid #CCP #CCPChina
In #Lanzhou city, #Gansu province #CCPChina residents topple a #Covid test facility to protest against the #CCP’s #ZeroCovid policy.
Students at #Peking/#Beijing University (my alma mater!) also participated in the nationwide protests against the #CCP’s #Covid policy.