Claims that the EU is exercising 'strategic autonomy' amount to "shooting yourself in the foot autonomously". #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti MEP on how the EU-China #CAI investment deal will increase Europe's strategic dependency on China.
"Ratification of the agreement while mounting evidence documents forced labour and other human rights abuses in Xinjiang would be a major propaganda victory for the Chinese government." #IPAC 🇪🇺 🇩🇪 MEP @EnginEroglu_FW on EU-China #CAI investment deal.…
#IPAC 🇧🇪 co-chairs @ElsVanHoofcdenv @SamuelCogolati led questioning of Foreign Minister @Sophie_Wilmes on EU-China #CAI investment deal. Concerns include China's access to EU energy and telecommunications markets and China's failure to ratify ILO conventions on forced labour.
Resolution on Hong Kong co-authored by #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @MiriamMLex passes European Parliament. The resolution states that the EU's rush to conclude EU-China #CAI investment deal risks "undermining its credibility as a global human rights actor."…
Great thread on the e background info of #CAI. Must keep an eye on it.…
European Parliament debates Urgency Resolution on crackdown on Hong Kong democratic opposition. #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti MEP: EU-China #CAI investment deal does not meet minimum human rights standards, calls for EU to answer European Parliament concerns.
EU-China investment deal lacks teeth on forced labour but could still be derailed | Taiwan News #IPAC co-chairs Sen. @AndreGattolin 🇫🇷 and @bueti MEP 🇪🇺🇩🇪 call criticise signing of EU-China #CAI deal in light of China's "blatant human rights violations".
European Parliamentarians set to pass resolution criticising European Commission for concluding EU-China #CAI investment deal while perpetrating human rights abuses in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet.…
"To lay such a Christmas present under Xi Jinping's Christmas tree after the year that we've had with China, that is quite a stretch" #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti MEP gives interview on EU-China #CAI investment deal.…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti MEP on EU-China #CAI investment deal: "When it comes to forced labour in China, the EU Commission is satisfied with superficial lip service."…
"#CAI makes the playing field less unlevel but, at the same time, it affirms an asymmetric investment environment that strongly favours China. Seen in a larger picture, the small gains achieved by the CAI are not worth the opportunity loss it causes."…
#IPAC 🇫🇷 co-chair Sen. @AndreGattolin on EU-China #CAI investment deal: "It's hard to see how these gains outweigh the blatant human rights violations in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet and against Taiwan, and the political cost of condoning such actions."
"Ignoring those concerns, Germany and France rammed through the deal, seemingly with little regard for the EU’s self-proclaimed commitment to freedom and human rights." #IPAC advisor @benedictrogers writes for CapX on EU-China #CAI investment deal.…
BREAKING: #IPAC 🇪🇺 MEPs slam EU-China #CAI investment deal after arrest of over 50 Hong Kong activists. [THREAD] Former Belgian Prime Minister and IPAC member @guyverhofstadt MEP says the EP will "never ratify" #CAI until human rights situation improves.…
BREAKING: #IPAC 🇪🇺 MEPs slam EU-China #CAI investment deal after arrest of over 50 Hong Kong activists. [THREAD] Former Belgian Prime Minister and IPAC member @guyverhofstadt MEP says the EP will "never ratify" #CAI until human rights situation improves.…
"The signing of the EU-China #CAI Investment Treaty as Europe struggles to deal with the economic fallout of COVID-19, risks even more strategic industries and infrastructure falling into the hands of Chinese state-owned enterprises."…
Coverage of concerns raised by #IPAC 🇩🇪 co-chair @MargareteBause MdB on the EU-China #CAI investment deal, including China's failure to ratify ILO standards on forced labour and breaches of treaty obligations to Hong Kong.…
Europe has handed China a strategic victory | Financial Times Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair Reinhard Bütikofer MEP @bueti on EU-China #CAI investment deal: “We’ve allowed China to drive a huge wedge between the US and Europe.”…
#IPAC 🇮🇹 member and Vice-President of Italy's Foreign Affairs Committee @PaoloFormentin1 addresses the Italian Parliament questioning attempts to rush through the EU-China #CAI investment deal.…