Great thread on the e background info of #CAI. Must keep an eye on it. twitter.com/EU_FOR_YOU/sta…
We welcome the adoption by @EP_ForeignAff of a new EU-China Strategy which includes making ratification of #CAI dependent on China recommitting to #HK's autonomy under the Sino-British Joint Declaration. This is something we will continue to campaign for. europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document…
EU puts China agreement on hold | Deutsche Welle Interview with #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti on the impact of Chinese government sanctions against EU parliamentarians on the EU-China #CAI investment deal. dw.com/de/eu-legt-chi…
#IPAC 🇮🇹 member and Vice-President of Italy's Foreign Affairs Committee @PaoloFormentin1 addresses the Italian Parliament questioning attempts to rush through the EU-China #CAI investment deal. twitter.com/LauraHarth/sta…
EU-China #CAI deal on 'life support' after China sanctions EU parliamentarians, including four #IPAC 🇪🇺 members. politico.eu/article/china-…
MEPs this evening will debate and vote on a new EU-China Strategy which includes ensuring ratification of #CAI is dependent on #China recommitting to its obligations under the Sino-British #JointDeclaration. We hope MEPs will tonight back this new EU-China Strategy.
BREAKING: Ruling on EU-Korea FTA dispute highlights weak language on labor standards also replicated in EU-China #CAI investment deal. ❌Korea is not in breach of FTA by failing to ratify ILO conventions ❌Korea is not obliged to meet any timescale or milestones for ratification
European Parliament to vote on freezing China deal | Politico The EP is expected to pass a motion pushing to formally freeze the EU-China #CAI investment deal, after Beijing's sanctions on #IPAC members and EU lawmakers for speaking out on Uyghur abuses. politico.eu/article/europe…
"To lay such a Christmas present under Xi Jinping's Christmas tree after the year that we've had with China, that is quite a stretch" #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti MEP gives interview on EU-China #CAI investment deal. businessinsider.com/china-human-ri…
#IPAC 🇮🇹 co-chair Sen. @LucioMalan questioned Carlo Pettinato, Head of Investment Policy at the European Commission DG Trade, on the EU-China #CAI investment deal. Malan questioned the access given to state censored Chinese media to the EU, with much EU media blocked in China.
EU-China investment deal lacks teeth on forced labour but could still be derailed | Taiwan News #IPAC co-chairs Sen. @AndreGattolin 🇫🇷 and @bueti MEP 🇪🇺🇩🇪 call criticise signing of EU-China #CAI deal in light of China's "blatant human rights violations". taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4100036
#IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti: European Parliament not informed of plans to agree new rules for European NGOs operating in China. #CAI would allow Beijing to gain "comprehensive control" over EU NGOs, with requirements that Chinese nationals hold key posts. handelsblatt.com/politik/intern…
Block EU-China #CAI 🇪🇺 European Union cannot make a deal with a regime that is responsible for #genocide Hold China accountable, do the right thing twitter.com/MiriamMLex/sta…
Hong Kongers & human rights activists are rightly concerned about the EU signing an investment treaty with China. We have put together a short explainer/thread outlining some of the key problems we have found with the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. #CAI
Last week MEPs had the chance to make ratification of #CAI dependent on China recommitting to the Joint Declaration + respecting HK's autonomy. Instead, some in the EU hold out hope China lifts sanctions so #CAI is adopted in the fall @SamGoodman22 latest. hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021…
Last week MEPs had the chance to make ratification of #CAI dependent on China recommitting to the Joint Declaration + respecting HK's autonomy. Instead, some in the EU hold out hope China lifts sanctions so #CAI is adopted in the fall @SamGoodman22 latest. hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021…
"#CAI makes the playing field less unlevel but, at the same time, it affirms an asymmetric investment environment that strongly favours China. Seen in a larger picture, the small gains achieved by the CAI are not worth the opportunity loss it causes." thediplomat.com/2021/01/what-d…
The Chinese government issued sanctions on prominent #IPAC 🇪🇺 members @bueti @MiriamMLex @SamuelCogolati and @DSakaliene for playing their role in highlighting the abuse of Uyghurs, a move seen as pivotal in the EU's decision to suspend #CAI ratification. reuters.com/article/us-eu-…
Clarification: while the political outreach process has been suspended, the technical process to ratify #CAI continues. Full explainer here 👇 twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…